(Spoiler warning)

Most of the Cop shows I have seen so far this year have had some dosage of “ZOMG! There are bad White cops trampling on poor Black folks including Black Officers!”

But the one show bucking the trend (so far) has been Blue Bloods. First of all, they have touched on this subject long before BLM became cause celebre and very well done so they had a centipede’s worth of legs up.  And in the latest episode “Spilling Secrets” they actually go the other way.

Sean Reagan who is the son of Detective Danny Reagan, finds himself the target of anti-cop sentiment when he finds the acronym ACAB (All Cops Are Bastards) painted in his locker at school. Rather than be cowed and  beg for mercy and understanding, he finds out who did it and who helped do this hate/bully BS. Most interesting is that he confronts a teacher known to be anti-cop, but she confesses that after the riots in her neighborhood where “peaceful protestors”  (my words, not hers) were on a rampage setting cars on fire and looting, it was the cops who came and put their lives on the line to stop it which made her views on police change somewhat. Sean eventually finds out who did what and why and deals with the issues exquisitely and with grace while twisting the dagger.

So, an attaboy/girl goes to Blue Bloods not only for not playing the dumb  self-flagellation game but actually turning it around. Maybe the reason they are on their 11th season is they create content people like rather than what politicians and pundits decide is the flavor of the year.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “Blue Bloods ignores BLM Self-Flagellation”
  1. I had stopped watching that a few years ago as the “only cops should have guns” was popping up too often.

    Maybe I’ll have to give them another chance.

      1. Senor, I am aware that it is a TV show. I am also aware that it the show portrayed defensive firearm use as it is in real life, people might realize that _they_ are there own “first responders”. We can’t be havin’ any of that now, can we? 😉

    1. The episode where Danny’s wife can go to a gun store and buy a gun right there and then, thanks to having a “friends and family” card from the Commissioner, was likely accurate. And that made me furious.

    2. As cop shows go it’s not bad, but honestly them speaking as an elitist cop family in NYC, that attitude is going to be realistic coming from them. Think also of the people writing for the show, they’re very likely liberals, or are forced to toe the line and hide their actual opinions on the topic.

  2. If any actualreallife officer had killed or just shot even half as many criminals as any of the actors or actresses playing police in these TV Shows, they would have been hounded off their actual real life police force long ago.

    I sometimes thought it would be interesting to compare the Hollywood Cop Show body count to the actual real life body count in their city / state.

  3. “Most interesting is that he confronts a teacher known to be anti-cop, but she confesses that after the riots in her neighborhood where “peaceful protestors” (my words, not hers) were on a rampage setting cars on fire and looting, it was the cops who came and put their lives on the line to stop it which made her views on police change somewhat.”

    Now that is a fictional character.

    Every liberal progressive I have met is a close minded, self righteous, hypocrite that mouths platitudes and the progressive narrative, but acts in complete 100% opposite to their supposed liberal ideals.

    The biggest racists I ever met are liberals that would make a Klansmen blush. They own guns, but only their guns are “good guns.” And they mouth ACAB!, “Defund the Police,” and BLM!; but if someone steals their bicycle they want the FBI called in, and Predator drones searching for it.

    I don’t hate progressives for their misguided views, I hate them for their unthinking ingrained blind hypocrisy.

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