American GunDo you have a friend that is not only knowledgeable on a subject but he can talk about it which such grace, you never get tired of listening to him? And even if you happen to have an extensive knowledge on the subject, this guy manages to come up with an important or amusing tidbit of information you did not know before.

The last two books I read on the subject of guns were C.J. Chivers’ “The Gun” and Paul M. Barret’s “Glock” and although informing, I was left with a taste as if I just read an autopsy report on a tractor written by a College Professor. Then again both authors were not “gunnies” and that is what makes American Gun different: It is not just the piece of metal, wood, plastic, etc but the connection to our history and ourselves.

The book was well researched but Kyle did not fall for the trappings of merely quoting or paraphrasing sections to make a point. He did manage to bring that American connection between the man and the gun and how it may have (or did) change our history. From the Marines armed with 1903 Springfields at Belleau Wood and the Boche complaint that “They kill everything that moves” to Texas Rangers power-burning a Comanche attack with the first use of revolvers on a serious confrontation to ANG Sgt. Leigh Ann Heister clearing a road full of insurgents in Baghdad with her M4.

The other great thing about this book is that it is not gun esoteric. No secret words or complicate terms that would confuse the uninitiated. Simple (but not simplistic) explanations are given when needed and the book is written in a way that keeps the interest on both the newly inducted to the gun culture and those who have been threading in its path for a long while. I’d even bet those who have never been interested in guns would find it fascinating and entertaining.

So go get yourself a copy of the book and read it as I am sure you will find yourself saying more than once “Hey! I did not know that!”

As I did.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

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