Do you have any idea how hard it is to walk away from a 2 day gun class that you’ve paid for? It’s easy to tell people that if the instructor is unsafe, pick up your stuff and walk away. It’s a whole lot harder to do it. On Saturday, I had to do it, and without my brother there I’m not sure if I could have.

via It is really hard to walk away | An NC Gun Blog.

Il Capitano Alvaro Spavento (A.K.A. Sean Sorrentino) gives us a hit by miss tale of what a bad instructor does and how pissed one gets when monies have to be wasted because one enjoys the idea of keeping your internal organ and blood within that casing called body.

I know that the perceived wisdom is “those who can, do and those who can, teach” but teaching (real teaching) is very hard to do and just because you wore an uniform and saw action, does not mean you can translate your experiences into teaching blocks to be assimilated by others. And that is if you really “were there.”

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on “Bad Instructors: There are out there.”
  1. Major typo in the headline.

    Is there some sort of governing body or industry group where someone can verify that a training course is above-board and safe? I’ve never done much training beyond the absolute basics needed to get my CCW permission slip and would like to learn more… But I cannot afford the travel and tuition for the few “big names” I’ve heard of and am very wary of smaller places due to all the “Tactical Ninja” horror stories.

  2. So he calls the instructor on unsafe practice, and HE’S the rude and obnoxious one? Wow!

  3. two words… google cache.

    it astounds me the number of people (present or not) that would accept ANY level or degree of muzzling as OK.

    1. I can understand some having different tolerances for muzzling than others, I disagree with it but I can see the logical behind those who don’t object to incidental muzzling from an unloaded, cleared, and locked weapon… But, when someone asks you to stop it, you @#$%ing stop it.

      Its dangerous and its damn unprofessional.

  4. Ish, I don’t attend training conducted by someone unless I’ve had people I personally trust with firearms tell me that the instructors were knowledgeable, the range was run professionally and safely and that I would get good value for my money. Even then I’ve been disappointed a few times. If you don’t know many other shooters the next stop is your local mom and pop gun store.

    Then again, both of these recommendations would have failed Sean in this instance so take my stranger from the interwebstubes for what it’s worth.

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