Multiple shortcomings contributed to a problem-plagued 2018 election in Broward County, many of which were on public display while a national cable TV audience waited for Florida to recount votes in elections for governor and U.S. Senate. A controversial audit 18 months later is now detailing even more failings.

Among the issues raised in the audit:
-Half of Broward County’s election precincts reported more ballots cast than the number of voters. Backlogs in processing mail ballots snarled reporting of results.
-Confusing ballot design may have led thousands of voters to inadvertently skip an important contest.
-Money was wasted on unneeded blank ballots, which weren’t adequately tracked and were eventually destroyed.
-After election day, auditors found the recount was plagued by poor planning, inadequate staffing and equipment, and poor quality control.

Audit finds 2018 election in Broward County was marred by waste, extra votes, unnecessary delays

Can you say fraud, boys and girls”

Extra votes: Auditors said a little more than half of the county’s voting precincts — 293 out of 577 — had a combined total of 885 more tabulated votes than voters. Though that’s miniscule compared to the total voter turnout of 715,519, and a different set of countywide records showed no extra ballots, the auditors wrote that is the kind of problem that “compromises voter confidence.”

The writer misses the point: the 885 “extra” votes were not just the only ones that reek of fraud but just the unintended overflow. Or are they trying to tell us that 100% of the voters in every precinct voted? Fat effing chance there, Sparky.

We came close to have re-elect a Democrat senator and have a Meth Head with a pleasure for sharing spit and other bodily fluids with male prostitutes as governor. I wonder if we ended up with Pothead Fried as Ag secretary and in charge of the Concealed Weapons License program because of those fraudulent votes.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Broward County had some “small” issues during the last elections…like fraud.”
  1. “the 885 “extra” votes were not just the only ones that reek of fraud but just the unintended overflow. Or are they trying to tell us that 100% of the voters in every precinct voted?”

    Voter turn out of about 40-50% for non-Presidential elections is not unusual. But, more than half the districts had 100%+ turnout? For a mid-term election? The issue is not the 885 “extra” votes, it is the 40% of the people in that district that did not vote, plus those extras.

  2. Oh, they finally figured out there was fraud? Hail kings of the obvious.

    It was blatantly obvious that the DemonKKKrats were going with their how-to-steal-an-election SOP when boxes of *uncounted* votes (ie. zombie votes) kept showing up at their beck & call. It didn’t help their case that the handling of the official ballot boxes was grossly asinine and was caught on video several times down in Coward & DUH counties, among others with large progtard enclaves… but of course the MSM totally ignored this and tried (again/still) to sweep it under the rug.

    “I wonder if we ended up with Pothead Fried as Ag secretary and in charge of the Concealed Weapons License program because of those fraudulent votes.”


  3. So when the Democrats use COVID to roll this out nation wide and secure themselves super majority in the House and Senate and win POUTS, you know they will properly investigate this, right?

  4. Remember, there is no voter fraud. Or so little of it that there is no need for voter ID or any other methods of protecting the vote.

    In NH, the republican candidate for Senate lost by around 1500 votes. Nearly a year later we found that there were over 2000 students from liberal/democratic Keene area (small village town) that had done save day voting but never actual became NH residents.

    Ie collage students claimed to be NH residents and voted in the NH Senate race but never actually change their state of residence. All of those 2000+ votes are fraudulent. (There have been some reports claiming the original report of those 2000+ votes was a bad analysis)

    It never fails to amaze me that Democrats put up with such shitty voting systems. The powers that be always seem to lose 1000 s of Democratic votes. If there wasn’t a recount going on, those poor democratic votes would have stayed lost instead of being counted when the ballot box was found in some dudes car trunk.

    As far as I’m concerned, “finding” any ballots after the first official count us completed or a polling place has certified that all votes have been reported should be investigate as fraud.

    1. It’s clear the Democratic party wants voter fraud. They depend on it. They also desperately want to suppress any attempt to investigate or study voter fraud, so they can continue to pretend that there isn’t any. Of course there “isn’t any” if you prohibit looking for it.

  5. What CBMTTek said.

    The “885 votes” is the overflow that proves — beyond the shadow of a doubt — that there’s a problem. There is literally no other explanation. Given a system that should be so simple — one vote per registered voter — incompetence of this magnitude is equally criminal to actual deliberate fraud.

    But 100% voter turnout in any election is astronomically unlikely. More so in a non-Presidential election year, and even more so in the primary of a non-Presidential election year.

    If 40-50% turnout in a Presidential election is normal, then the normal turnout in the primary in a non-Presidential election year would be, what? 30%?

    So it’s not the 885 votes that need to be investigated. It’s the 70% plus those 885.

    The 885 just prove that an investigation needs to happen, somebody (probably multiple somebodies) is guilty, and heads need to roll.

    Now, not later.

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