These people really are insane.

Before the Holocaust started, Germany passed a number of laws on racial purity and segregation.

I’m curious, which side is it that has been promoting racial segregation, assigning social value and privileges by race, deciding which races are allowed to engage in what activities or business, and prohibit racial miscegenation.

It seems to be the Left that smashes up small businesses for having the wrong name or serving the wrong food if they are not black/ POC owned.

Which side is going into communities and destroy property and looting business because of the ethnicity of the owners?

This is just another case of projection and it’s really getting tiresome.

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By J. Kb

13 thoughts on “BS Timeline”
  1. Holy s**t!
    The more they think they are right, the stupider they get!
    Comparing, as similar, President Trump to Asshole Hitler, is like comparing Winston Churchill to Chairman Mao.

  2. Sweet God! By his second year in power, Hitler had outlawed all political parties and unions, had political executions and killed whatever remmantents of Free Speech Germany had. sent communist and socialist to concentration camps.

    Trump so far has managed to bruise the feeling of a bunch of Liberal idiots.

    1. If Trump were the Fascist they say he is, there would be no protests and every member of Antifa would be buried in an unmarked mass grave

      1. The Sturmabteilung would have put an end to Antifa/BLM rioting within a few weeks, and the body count for them would be much, much higher than, what, 5?

    2. By his second year, Hitler had outlawed and eliminated any opposition parties.
      By Trump’s second year, his opposition had taken a House Majority.

      By Hitler’s 4th year, there was no way anyone can possibly unseat him peacefully.
      Meanwhile, Trump is looking at a tight election race.
      Such ignorance, but par for the course.

      1. The (100% unsupported) claim is that Trump won’t leave office if he loses the election. He’s never said that, there’s no historical precedent for it, there’s zero reason to think he wouldn’t leave.

        It’s pure projection — they wouldn’t leave, so they assume Trump won’t, either — and it’s disgusting.

  3. Yawn. Same old tired DemonKKKrat bs skit: accusing others of the barbarities they actually have committed and try to shift blame

    Just look at how many people have died on DemonKKKrat run cities since their “anointed one” stirred the pot right against LEO’s back on his 1st term.

    But noooo. Feelz over logic, orange-man bad, facts we don’t like are evil and shit.


  4. I am reminded of people who called America “colonialist”. (You know: the going to war to take the oil thing.) If we are, we’re not very good at it.

    Same with Trump the fascist/dictator/Hitler, etc..He’s not v very good at it.

  5. According to that timeline, the German death camps opened about nine years after Hitler took power. Unless something happens to term limits, Trump will be out of office a full year before the first death camp is supposed to open. So the timeline theory is flawed.

    Plus, the “playbook” is mostly B.S. itself. All of it, but I’ll focus on the “lying press” item.

    A lying press being detrimental to a free society is a fact proven by logic and history. The German press supported Hitler, the Chinese press supported Mao and support Xi, and the Soviet press supported every Socialist dictator they ever had. They lied in support of their leaders, those leaders committed some of the worst human rights atrocities in history, and the press lied and covered for each and every one of them.

    But there’s a subtle difference between then and now: The American press, unlike the press in Nazi-Germany, the Soviet Union, or Red China, does not lie to protect their nation’s leader. Instead, they lie to attack and defy him and to undermine his lawful authority.

    Hitler claimed the press was lying when they were telling truths that hurt his image; if they lied to support him, he left them alone. Trump claims the press is lying when they’re lying; if they tell the truth, he leaves them alone. They’re outraged only because he’s not shy about calling a spade a spade.

    Bottom line: If you think calling a spade a spade is morally questionable when Trump does it, the problem is with you, not Trump.

  6. The argument they will use (and I use the word ‘argument’ advisedly) is that Trump PLANS TO or WILL PASS such laws in the future.

    Never mind the fact that he’s never shown any inklings of such. The catamites of the left are unencumbered by such things as ‘facts’.

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