This is a quick one. I want people who understand that even if there is a law saying you are doing something legal, specially with guns, it does not mean you will not be arrested or sued in civil court. Ask any lawyer worth his/her salt.

And yes, more likely than not, the charges will be dropped and the lawsuit will be rejected, but by then you already spent money on bail, lawyers and all the nice things that come with the judicial process. Plus probably you lost income because you were not working which needs to be explained and the news will flash at your workplace and neighborhood and not under the best of lights.

So, be smart. Use all the tools you have available to avoid hearing “Bend over and spread your ass cheeks.”

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on ““But there is a law!” (And you can still be arrested & charged or sued.)”
  1. Too True! Many people on both sides of the badge know very little about the actual laws, and some LEO actually believe that Contempt of Cop is an arrestable violation. You may think you know the law, but you may very well be wrong. Do you want to bet your freedom?

    Joel Rosenburg, science fiction author and MN gun rights advocate often said, “You do not want to be a test case.” He knew that from first hand experience, where he had to sue may issue Minneapolis to get a carry permit to defend himself and his family against a deranged stalker.

    1. “You do not want to be a test case.”

      Jon Gutmacher says the exact same thing in Florida. And if there is somebody who knows Florida Gun Laws at court level, is him.

  2. If you own a firearm for self-defense you should invest in CCW insurance such as that offered by USCCA or the NRA among others.

  3. I recommend Andrew Branca’s book, The Law of Self Defense. Of all the self defense gun law websites, I believe his is far and away, the best. His book and classes are state specific and you can interact with him on a weekly Wednesday 2 p.m. Facebook podcast.

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