By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Cartoon of the Day: Concealed Carry In Campus Explained.”
  1. While not all spree shooters have chosen “Gun Free Zones” to do their dirty work, the vast majority of them DO.

    There is a reason for that, and indeed this illustration shows it best.

  2. Are you honestly sure they’ll get it? Their INT score goes down to nearly nothing when they see common sense about firearms and firearms ownership.

  3. My oldest son escaped the Cole Hall shooting at NIU and now lives in Colorado. Just two weeks ago he took his ccw class and will soon be carrying a .38 snub and/or a Glock 26. Feel free to google my last name and niu shooting.

    I would love to hear the Laddites argument again his decision to arm himself in their utopian world where only crazy people carry guns.

    1. This vision of “Utopia” has long been a puzzle to me. Having dealt with these attitudes over a number of decades I have found their point of view highly suggestive of not understanding that items available for purchase in the mall are not created in a back room by pixies who “poof” them into existence.

      They buy their things. They have never made anything in their lives (expect, perhaps, for some “art”). Thus they do not understand that other people can make things.

      Not understanding that things are made they do not truly understand what things are. Something as simple as a shirt is a bit of a mystery to them. They could sit naked in a cotton field for years complaining that they had no clothes.

      Thus they believe that if the gun factories (the noun for the pixie’s back room) are closed, the production of guns must necessarily cease, ergo, guns will cease to exist.

      I have tried to explain to them that guns are a medieval technology, that they are in essence nothing more than a tube and that any teenager with the skills to scratch build a model car in his bedroom can make a gun there as well.

      But as they don’t understand making model cars, they don’t understand.

  4. obviously that duck that’s carrying, is a premeditated murderer duck, and all of his bullets are going to magically shoot all the other ducks. everyone knows that’s how guns work.

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