

Everytown’s Mark Glaze is dead. (UPDATE w/ unconfirmed information)


Mark Charles Glaze, a longtime D.C. resident who was gay, died Oct. 31 in Scranton, Pa., by suicide while being held on DUI and other charges at the Lackawanna County Prison, according to a statement posted to his Facebook page by family.

Glaze was involved in a car accident on I-81 in Dunmore, Pa., on Sept. 9 and fled the scene, according to police.

Mark Glaze, gun reform advocate, dies at 51 (washingtonblade.com)


Glaze was being held at Lackawanna County Prison after his arrest on September 9th for fleeing the scene of a car accident in Dunmore, Pennsylvania. Police charged him with DUI, accidents involving deaths or personal injury, abandoning a vehicle on the highway and careless driving, according to court documents.

Founder of America’s gun control movement kills himself while in prison on DU charge | Daily Mail Online

This is the space usually reserved for being nice and not speak ill of the dead even though he may had not deserve such consideration. Instead I simply say this: Mark Glaze’s car has injured/killed more people than any and all of my guns.

Yet, I am told I am the dangerous one

UPDATE:  From a local newspaper. The rest of the story is behind a paywall so I cannot confirm the death of Sue Barbacane which happened on the same area and date. 

Pat Croce says woman killled in accident was his longtime assistant (inquirer.com)

(It seems her death was unrelated)

Washington, D.C., man charged in hit-and-run crash | Crime-Emergency | thetimes-tribune.com

And this screen cap is from an article in the Daily Mail about his death.

Our navy is so, so, so, so f**ked


While our ships burn to the keel and our submarines run aground,  China practices missile attacks on our aircraft carriers.

We squandered our super power status, digging our grave by focusing on making politicians and retired flag officers rich and nailing our coffin closed with a Woke military.


The US Navy will be sunk and it will have deserved it

Our navy can’t put out a fire on a boat or avoid running aground on undersea mountains but it can name a ship after a homosexual activist and advocate of the People’s Temple and Jim Jones, who preyed on gay teenage runaways, and find a transgender veteran to christen it.


The last time the navy of a global power was this incompetent it killed 17 admirals in a single incident.

Unfortunately, when our current navy succumbs to its partisan incompetence, the flag officers responsible will survive and its the poor enlistedmen who will pay the price.

The judge in the Rittenhouse trial needs to stop this immediately

This is the end of our judicial system.

Conviction in court obtained by mob coercion of the jury.

We must protect our juries at all costs or we might as well cut out the middle man and go straight to trial by Twitter poll.


Tell me again how we should always trust medical professionals as impartial and incorruptible

Every day I understand more and more that Doctor Josef Mengele and Doctor Shiro Ishii were not really aberrations in the medical field.  They just went a little further than most down the path of ideology corruption than most doctors.

COVID has proven that a lot, with doctors often being some of the most histrionic Covidians.

But this insanity, that takes the cake.

He’s attributing real a cute problems with real treatments to nebulous climate change.

This is not medicine.  This is neo-voodoo.

I swear, as people’s fear in COVID wanes and doctors who have become addicted to authority are consulted less, they will need something else to keep them relevant.

Climate change is that thing.

You will see more if this.

We’re a year, maybe six months out, from some doctors essentially saying Climate Change makes people sick by disrupting their bodily humors.

When that happens I’m going to start a homeopathic clinic for Climate Change patients.

My cure will be copious amounts of castor oil and blistering with irons.


I will not tolerate year zeroing of our language from people this ignorant and Woke


Menstrual comes from the Latin mensis meaning month.  It means monthly.

But these people see the letters m e n in a row and assume it’s gendered.

This is an assault on the origin of our language and the concept of words having a specific definition.


Absolutely not.

Anyone who replaces a vowel with an x to form a gender neutral neologisms needs to have an encounter with the wall.

This is why technocracy is terrible

The people in the next booth are probably links in the supply chain and they see what is going on around them on a daily basis.

Biden is a technocrat.  The entirety of the Democrat party and a fair number of Republicans are technocrats.

They believe that society is too complicated for the average citizen to understand but they, people who got the right degrees from the right schools and interned at the right think tanks, are smart and knowledgeable enough to manage society and should be in charge.

The Soviet Union employed armies of mathematicians and actuaries to try and plan their economy and they failed and had shortages every year until they totally collapsed.

Liberal technocracy is just a milder version of that.

Biden says the supply chain crisis is too complicated for the average person to explain but he can so they should just listen to him.

But he has failed at fixing it. His Harvard educated, Rhodes scholar, McKinsey credentialed Transportation Secretary has proven to be an incompetent dumbass.

The truck drivers, freight yard operators, dock foremen, and others have far better ideas how to fix out supply chain problems because they are part of the supply chain.

But Biden says they are to unsophisticated to do that because they lack the right credentials.

The Biden Administration (like the Obama Administration before it) is a testimony to why technocracy is a terrible way to run a country.