

There is no talking with a machete present.

MURFREESBORO, Tenn. (WKRN) — A Murfreesboro pastor and his family are at the center of a shocking machete assault in a grocery store parking lot.

Murfreesboro Police say it happened at the Kroger on S. Church Street. Sunday afternoon, Pastor Jerry Weeden, his wife and their two grandchildren went grocery shopping. As they pulled into a parking spot, there was a shopping cart blocking the way.

Rev. Weeden pastors Ebenezer Primitive Baptist Church in Murfreesboro. He says the suspect quickly became angry as the two had a verbal exchange.

“He got irate,” said Rev. Weeden. “One word led to another and then he proceeds to get out of his car with a machete.”

The interaction continued to get heated. At one point, the suspect pulled out a second, larger machete and even threatened to hit Weeden’s wife, Denise, with his car.


“Why Miguel you sound like you are afraid of machetes!”

Oh hell yes I am. I have seen twice what they can do and seen the cuts up and personal at a local ER in Caracas. Machetes do not leave nice small cuts, but effing hideous long and deep lacerations. And they have enough mass to cut/crack your skull with much effort.

You have two choices when somebody waves a machete in anger at you: run like hell or be ready to stop him. The Tueller drill for machete is measures in zip codes.

Biden to make the supply chain crisis worse

Biden hopes fines on lingering cargo ships ease congestion at major U.S. ports

The Biden administration is hopeful new fines imposed on carriers at the nation’s busiest port complex will abate the intensifying logjam of cargo ships.

The twin ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach announced Monday that containers moved by trucks will have nine days before fines start accruing and containers scheduled to move by rail will have three days.

In accordance with these deadlines, carriers will be charged $100 for each lingering container per day starting Nov. 1.

But the problem isn’t the ship’s, it’s the lack of trucks, truckers, yard space to store empty containers, dock space for full containers being offloaded, etc.  The bottleneck is on land but the ships will pay the fine.

This is a restaurant charging you more because the kitchen is slow.

You know that will happen?

Ships will leave and find other ports or just stop coming to the US.

This isn’t a fix, this is compounding a disaster.

Honestly, I want Governors DeSantis and Abbott to send people to Panama to help support canal operations and open the Ports of Miami and Houston to Pacific traffic.

It would take less time to navigate through the Panama canal to Miami than to wait for an open spot in California.

That’s what a leader would do.

Biden is just going to fuck it up.

Et tu, Twix?

What is in a Twix?




Twix are among the kings of Halloween candy, right there next to Snickers and Resee’s peanut butter cups.

They pretty much sell themselves.

So what the fuck is the point of this?


We see no parents.

Just a goth witch and a boy in a dress.

The witch possibility murders another child for pointing out the obvious, boys shouldn’t wear dresses.

For years the media pushed the bullshit story that sick people were putting poison in Halloween candy.

Turns out in 2021 that’s true.  It’s the candy companies and their ad agencies, and the poison is obscene gender ideology.

Knock it the fuck off and just sell me chocolate without the trans-activism.

From the same Woke white people who brought you Latinx


Mexican culture is both very Catholic and not very tolerant of homosexuality.

I highly doubt Abuela lighting candles on Día de Muertos is going to be thrilled that her brother is gay and hooking up with another dead guy in heaven.

This is the sort of thing that Woke white people who try and push Latinx come up with, and it will probably go over as well as Latinx too.

Journalist thinks his obedience makes him smarter than the engineers I know

I cannot put into words how hard this guy should go fuck himself.

This liberal arts dip-shit knows nothing about engineering or what it takes to design cutting edge defense technology.

What he does know is how to be a water-carrying mouthpiece for the Left.

Have you ever seen a ventriloquist drink water and have the dummy talk at the same time.

He does a similar trick but he rattles off DNC talking points while deepthroating Anthony Fauci.

The unvaccinated guys I know are developing hypersonic missiles, satellites, advanced spacecraft propulsion systems, etc.

But this guy has the fucking audacity to say that some of the smartest engineers in the country are too stupid to do their jobs because they are in their 30s and don’t want to take The Jab.

This is nothing more than reinforcing the two tier social class system where all Covidians are good, smart, and decent, while all “COVID deniers” are stupid, bad, and deplorable.

Some liberal arts dip-shit with a degree in uselessness, sitting at home on unemployment can read this and thinks that he’s smarter than a guy with two degrees in aerospace engineering, designing hypersonic missiles, because that engineer doesn’t want to be vaccinated.

This shit-weasel can fuck all the way off.

Portland goes so Woke it horseshoed around to pro-life

Interesting.  So according to Portland, the a aborted unborn child is a human with a soul worthy of mourning, not just a clump of cells to be disposed of for convenience.  Otherwise you could take off bereavement leave for the removal of a precancerous polyp.

This is legitimately an acknowledgement of the value of an unborn child, ironically making a pro-life argument.

Too bad the irony of this hasn’t sunk it for them yet.