

Proof the current Administration supports the Cuban Communist regime

This is the official account of the Acting Assistant Secretary for U.S. Department of State.

They want you to believe that this is just COVID related and not that COVID is the final straw for a people suffering under a brutal Communist dictatorship.

It’s clear the Biden Administration is more ideologically aligned with the Cuban Communists than the Cuban people waiving American flags and chanting “libertad.”


Where the **** is Michael Moore and the defenders of the Cuban Health Care?

I know I have been disconnected from the usual news sources, but even here in the semi-boonies of Tennessee, the silence from the left and specially the fat ass champion of Fidel’s Socialized Medicine is deafening. They created this super “deadly” pandemic, the monster that could not be left unchecked and suddenly they have people screaming for their lives because a shitty Health System could not even deal with a façade of urgency.

Where are you Michael Moore? No money to be made in a documentary about the Cuban Government’s violent use of guns in response to a failing Socialized Health Care system?

And to the Cubans in the Island: You have machetes, use them to get weapons’ upgrades.

Positivity from Surfside that the media won’t show
