

The LAPD blew up their truck because they can’t count

A follow-up to a previous post.

According to Moore, bomb squad technicians estimated they were placing about 16 pounds of explosive material in the containment truck, which was capable of handling a blast of up to 24 pounds. But the actual amount of explosive weight placed in the vehicle appears to have exceeded 42 pounds.

“We have miscalculations that are significant,” Moore said.

No shit.

What happens when you put 2.6 times the amount of explosives you thought, and 1.75 times the amount of explosives rated for, in a bomb chamber?

Is it possible to overdose on irony?

It’s gonna be something if a bunch of grandstanding Democrats are responsible for taking out Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi with COVID.

TPUSA was right to reject the porn star

In case you missed it, porn star Brandi Love went to Turning Point USA as a VIP and got kicked out.

This turned into a thing online where the Libertarian minded were calling Conservatives hypocrites or puritanical, and making accusations of cancel culture.

I figure I’d weigh in with my two cents.

Porn is like alcoho or gambling. It’s a vice, and like many vices, I little bit in moderation can be fun.

Excessive use is bad.

I’ve watched porn.  I think the normalization of OnlyFans is wrong, evil, and destructive to society.

OnlyFans creates a relationship between the porn star and the viewer.  In common parlance, these people are simps.  It is a ersatz romantic relationship, but it’s  not true human connection,  it’s effectively digital prostitution.

Boys who do this come to see women as commodities.  Women come to see boys solely as sources of money.  Each exploiting the other where the intimacy of sex is transactional.

This is different than how traditional (?) porn is for all but the most extreme porn addict.

When you download a dirty move or buy one from that non descript concrete block building with no windows out by the pawn shop, you are not getting into a relationship with the star.

Moreover, the barriers to entry for porn vs OnlyFans is very different.

A girl can do OnlyFans from anywhere, and a segment of our pop culture has convinced them that it’s empowering and an easy way to make a quick buck.

Again, different from the more traditional route of going to LA or another place and having to audition.

I’ve posted articles of families that have come apart because a member (usually the wife or mom) starts making money on OnlyFans and the kids are mortified by the social fallout.

This sort of mass democratized, interactive porn turns a vice that should be indulged in occasionally into a normalized social problem.

We should have the ability to say “It’s wrong to normalize this.”

I’ll have the occasional beer.  That doesn’t make me a hypocrite to say we should have restrictions on alcohol sales.

I’ve gone to a casino before.  That doesn’t make me a hypocrisy to say we should have restrictions on gambling.

I’ve watched porn.  It doesn’t make me a hypocrite to say we shouldn’t normalize porn as just another job and product to be consumed.

There should be a difference between being liberal in the classical sense (concerned with individual civil liberties) and being libertine.

Its not wrong to say conservative values don’t include normalizing moms doing internet porn and taking selfish with teenage boys at a conference using her stage name.

Miguel is right about Gun Bunnies but the bigger picture is “influencer culture”

Perhaps the aspect of the modern internet that I hate the  most is influencer culture.

There are legitimate influencers, people with real skill and knowledge worth watching.

Unfortunately, as Miguel said, sex sells.  So beng attractive and vapid on the internet is often enough to get a person noticed and monetized.

What has happened is that this sort of influencer has pushed the knowledgeable and skilled out of the market.

Why invest years in gaining experience and knowledge, and putting hours into creating detailed content when the money is going to go to Ms. Yogapants for jiggle clips?

I’ve seen it myself in shooting.  I knew one female shooter.  She’s not good (USPSA C class) But she’s got a very nice ass in very tight pants and an ammo sponsorship from a distributor and they love to record her shooting from behind in slow motion.

It’s killing gaming.  Look at the complaints about eThots who play video games in lingerie with the camera on them and the game streaming in a corner of the screen vs. actual (often male) gamers streaming the game.

The cosplay community for years has been bitching how cosplayers who make their own costumes have taken back seats to hot chicks who wear only the skimpiest costumes, which are largely store bought.

And it is most definitely killing STEM.

Holy shit, the amount of posts by young woman “I fucking love science, look at this thing at the Air and Space museum I’m at” while in a short skirt and tits coming out of the top of her shirt like a Leg Avenue Sexy Scientist costume is fucking infuriating.

Spend a lifetime doing research and have your CV passed over for fun bags in a skin tight NASA t-shirt.

I don’t want to come off sounding like a misogynist, but what we’ve done is create a culture that tells young people, especially young women, that investing time and effort into something has a much lower return on investment than having a cursory interest and the willingness to show a lot of skin.

All it does is create a superficial culture which sours people.

The normalization of Gun Bunnies.

OK people, I know and probably knew it long before some of you: Sex Sells.  You don’t need to give me chapter and verse plus a whole dose by hose of Libertarian syrup. And I will go as far as admit that as a heterosexual male I do enjoy the photos in some blogs of the occasional young lady dressed very lightly and treating a long gun like it was a portable dancing pole.  A dead give away is the shorty-shorty Spandex shorts and the new tactical garter belt known as a thigh rig in the obligatory black.

But please, dear Lord, do not confuse sexy looks with knowledge and that is what I see that starting to creep here and there and that is what the meme above addresses. My guess is that in an effort to drive traffic to their website, some “gun” blogs and companies use Gun Bunnies not just for decoration but go the extra step of trying to sell them as experts. And before you protest, the scant clothing is the biggest indicator of tactical BS as anybody who has ever done the Hot Brass Dance will attest.

“But it will attract new shooters to our side!” and they will leave the moment they realize they have been brought in under false pretenses and rather than seeing sexy Monique wearing the latest Daniel Defense AR and very thin and little in the way of clothing, they are welcomed by Bob wearing tactical overalls, a scruffy beard and a thick layer of range dirt around his neck.

And I am not even going to try to delve into what women think about Gun Bunnies. If you brave enough and really wanna see somebody steamed about it, bring the subject up to Mas’ better half AKA The Evil princess.  Burn Gel might be required afterward.

Sell the sex and the sexy, just do not confuse it with firearms proficiency.

Hat Tip to whomever sent me this and apologies for forgetting who it was.