Homeless Man Found With Weapons Cache, List Of Names In SF Golden Gate Park « CBS San Francisco.

San Francisco Police displayed an array of high power weapons and ammunition Wednesday that were found in a homeless man’s car last month in Golden Gate Park.


So that is what passes for a cache of “high-powered weapons” in San Fran? One shotgun, one pump rifle, on Tokarev and I think he last one is a single shot deringer of some sort. I think my wife carries more firepower in her purse.

Yup, he was ready to take over the world…. or a local Medical Marijuana store.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “CBS Frisco: You keep using that word….”
  1. OMG… the man has a ARSENAL, somebody call out the National Guard, no wait,

    our National Guard is stuck in bumb-fuck Afghanistan and Iraq so were SOL!

  2. I forgot to mention, in “Frisco” a sling-shot is considered a high powered weapon and you need a permit to own one and the “ammo” is serialized.

  3. Please remember those are the same people who`ve been electing Nancy Pelosi to office for the last 100 years……:-)

  4. leave it to the media to blow shit out of proportion, if he’s homeless then his car IS his home thus these weapons were rightly stored on his property.

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