Don’t rely on a negative test result to see your family for Thanksgiving

If you think a negative test result means you don’t have coronavirus, you could be wrong.

It can take days before a new infection shows up on a Covid-19 test.

“We know that the incubation period for Covid-19 is up to 14 days. And before that, you can be testing negative, and have no symptoms,” emergency medicine physician Dr. Leana Wen said.

Get tested.  But if the test is negative, don’t trust the test, it might be a false negative.

You should always be fearful and stay away from friends and family. You can never guarantee that you don’t have COVID because no matter when you get tested you could be 14 days shy of getting symptoms.

The thing is, this argument could be made in perpetuity.

They know that.

“Don’t trust a negative test result” is the sort of statement that could be used to justify COVID restrictions forever.

It probably will be.

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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “CNN is going to ruin your holidays no matter what”
  1. Tests are meaningless. You could test negative and positive within minutes of each other. You could test negative and get the virus while waiting in line to get tested.

    In the last two days, there was a story about a woman who tested negative in one nostril and positive in the other. Then Elon Musk reported getting tested four times in one day, two tests negative and two tests positive.

  2. “Don’t trust a negative test result” is the sort of statement that could be used to justify COVID restrictions forever.

    Harder to continue once a viable vaccine is available. Until of course the virus mutates …

  3. Keep pushing the narrative that covid equals certain death.
    Keep telling people that it’s their fault that covid is still spreading for not listening to the “experts”.
    Keep businesses closed.
    Keep demanding people not socialize and sit home alone instead.
    Keep threatening people with arrest for attending church or celebrating holidays with family.
    Keep people alone and despairing.
    Keep giving people nothing to live for and no hope for a future.

    Keep doing all this, and you’ll wind up with millions of furious people with blossoming mental health issues and nothing to lose. See how that works out in the long term.

  4. [Tin foil hat on]
    Of course that is assuming the vaccine release date is not pushed out for more bullshit excuses, like the whole “15 days to flatten the curve” ongoing song & dance.
    [Tin foil hat off]

    Remember that fear-porn is an effective way for the politburo to keep the sheeple in place. Just look at all the DemonKKKrat-run states/cities. SMH

  5. The more I read about the testing, the less confidence I have that we are actually identifying the virus that causes the disease. There are hundreds of new positive cases identified in my city pretty much every day, but… for some reason, there are not a lot of sick people.

    Most people I know who tested positive either had no symptoms whatsoever, or the symptoms were so mild they could be attributed to the common cold, allergies, or even eating too spicy of a meal.

    I just read an article where they basically say the PCR test is meaningless. Ask your politicians and they will tell you the RT-PCR test is the most accurate test available. (Technically correct) However, being able to measure something to the parts-per-trillion level, and getting a meaningful outcome are two very different things.

    From what I can tell, the article states that 1.) the “experts” cannot demonstrate the viral signatures they are testing for are actually the COVID-19 virus, and 2.) the PCR test identifies protein strings (RNA) indicative of the virus, not the virus itself.

    Which tells me, the positive tests are not actually COVID cases, they are people with portions of RNA in their bodies that might be from the virus that causes COVID. Important to note as well. Many coronaviruses are perfectly harmless to humans, but share RNA with this COVID one. Your pet can carry coronaviruses and share them with you. Which might lead to a positive COVID-19 test.

    Until the election, I thought the entire COVID think was the largest fraud ever perpetuated on the country.

  6. If you can’t trust a negative, why would you trust a positive test?
    Bottom line, we can’t trust anything from these MFPOSCS’s.

  7. I’m curious as to how much these tests cost and who’s making the billions of dollars associated with it? Follow the money…..

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