That said, CSGV is deeply concerned with several elements of the compromise. While the Manchin-Toomey amendment expands background checks on gun buyers, they are far from universal. The legislation regulates private sales of firearms at gun shows and through websites, but simultaneously permits such sales to go unchecked everywhere else. CSGV believes an unregulated gun sale made through a classified ad in a newspaper, on a street corner, or across a kitchen table is just as serious a threat to public safety as one arranged on


Well, now we can say it is equally hated by both sides. Maybe we should all just go back and get a floor vote on the original Schummer bill.

Others from the Opposition chimed already and they are less happy:ToomeyManchin 1

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Coalition to Stop Gun Violence: They hate Manchin-Toomey.”
  1. Proof positive that ‘gunshows’ never really WERE their area of concern. They GOT what they (claimed they) wanted in this ‘compromise’…background checks on ALL sales at gunshows. But exactly as we claimed (and they DENIED), they wanted checks on ALL sales…comercial and private, and they are NOT satisified to get what they had publicly asked for; the closing of the ‘gunshow loophole’.

  2. Is there some part of “…shall not be infringed” that people do not understand?
    From what I’ve read of this bill it is nothing more than gun owners and buyers surrendering more rights and information to the collective while the left gives nothing in return.
    This ‘bill’ is nothing more than a screwing without a kiss.

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