And, of course, the ass kissing of the Antifa/BLM movement.

The irony of product placement for a group that hates cops and tries to burn precincts is lead-level dense.

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It is just starting and it is annoying as hell.  And of course is not truly reflecting the attitude of cops when it comes to work in certain areas know to be troublesome. In the shows we are seeing cops having deep moments of self-reflection (hyper-compressed for time allotment) and in the case of The Rookie, they could not pick a whiter guy to make him a bad cop.

It is predictable mush that will stay for a while. Hopefully till their pockets start feeling the brutal reduction in ratings. And for The Rookie it was probably a dumb way to go. They were initially slated to be cancelled, then brought back again only to be placed on Sunday nights. It may not make it unless they get a Federal grant for being gracious and brave.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on “Coming to a TV screen near you: Full “Cop” Self-Flagellation.”
  1. You want to see cop self-flagellation? Try CW’s “Black Lightning”. It’s on Netflix and it looked mildly interesting for “up late with a baby” time, so I gave it a season.

    Not only is it overflowing with stereotypical racial animus (all the main characters are black and have serious black-inferiority issues), but half the Freeland Police Department is corrupt, half is white, and those two groups have near-perfect overlap.

    Plus, the appearance of meta-humans (people with superpowers) in Freeland is due to a federal agency experimenting on black kids, and the federal government bad guy in the first season is a pasty-white guy whose verbally stated goal is to stabilize, control, and weaponize meta-humans in order to “make America great again!”

    (No, seriously. He used that exact phrase. Trump hasn’t ever appeared, not even in “news”, but this guy is an painfully-obvious “Orange Man Bad” proxy.)

    To be fair, it’s still not a bad series for the DC Comic Universe. Mostly well-written, and with decent characters and acting. If it didn’t have all the over-the-top racial garbage and not-so-subtle digs at whites and conservatives, it could be really good.

    But DC went Woke and must include the “White/Orange Man Bad” crap, so….

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