AABELFAIR, Wash. (KOMO) – A homeowner was arrested Saturday morning after he shot and killed an intruder who was taking a shower in his home, Mason County sheriff’s deputies said. Mason County Coroner Wes Stockwell identified the man who was killed as Nathaniel Joseph Rosa, 31, of Bothell.

The homeowner owns two pieces of property that sit next to each other along East Trails Road. One has a house that he lives in. He runs an internet-based business out of a home on the other piece of property, which is where the shooting occurred, deputies said.

Source: Deputies: Homeowner arrested after fatally shooting intruder in shower | KATU

Here is where you start figuring out the crappy reporting. Although in the same property, we are talking about two separated buildings, something that is gonna be important soon enough:

“The deadly confrontation happened just before 8 a.m. Saturday when the owner arrived to do some work for his business, deputies said. He noticed a window screen out in the yard and someone had forced open the front door.

The man went inside and confronted another man he found in his shower, deputies said. The homeowner left after the two exchanged words.”

The “clock” for that particular incident stopped right there. Even with my total lack off legal training, I understand that any claim of self-defense is no longer viable. And it gets worse:

“He returned home, retrieved a firearm, came back over to the residence and fired multiple rounds into the shower … killing the intruder,” said Mason County Sheriff’s Lt. Travis Adams.

The homeowner called 911 and told dispatchers that he had just shot and killed an intruder, Adams said.”

And that Ladies and Gents is murder. Plain and simple. There was no threat of death or grave bodily harm and other than some water and a bar of soap, no major damage to property. If I were to guess, the property owner had a sudden onset of hurt Ego which is gonna cost him a lot.

Now, I may direct you to more Ego in the form of Chest Thumping and share with you a future defendant whose name I blocked because you bastards would probably go troll him.


And you noticed I did not blocked Andrew Branca’s name because he can dish it out as better than he gets it and his observation on the same thread:

There is a fair amount of idiots out there (yes, in our side I am sorry to say) that think they will be judged by what they think the law ought to be rather than what the law says. This is not a discussion if the law is right of wrong but the issue of staying free or being somebody’s mobile fleshlight in prison.


Make your brain a high-capacity feeding device for common sense.  Learn the law, ask the right people, attend the right classes. Learn!

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Crappy News Report and Chest Thumping makes for bad combination.”
  1. You just may want to go back and block out where Mr. Branca is referring to the “future defendant” by name in his replies.

  2. Funny you should mention this.
    I read this on another blog, and I pointed out that by leaving and returning, the homeowner became the aggressor. The homeowner’s actions, not the intruder’s, precipitated the shooting. But for his returning, armed, and restarting the fight, the shooting would not have happened as it did. The facts are substantially the same as the case of the woman in Florida.
    I found out that: 1. You have an absolute right to enter your property, any time, even if by doing so you knowingly put yourself in a place of danger; 2. It’s okay to retreat from a confrontation, arm yourself, and return to restart the fight and shoot the guy, because it’s your property, and the Founding Fathers said so; 3. Washington State (where this happened) is a pussified blue hellhole and in Texas you can kill anyone you want as long as he’s on your property and it’s dark out; and 4. I’m a “be-nighted” liberal asshole. Also, 5. Illegal aliens have too many rights. And Hillary Clinton broke the law and she isn’t in jail, so there.
    The Internet is such an informative place.

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