After finding out Divemedic had the shot, an asshole stepped in and showed his baboon’s ass in the comment section of his blog:

What kind of Nuremberg Law Nazi Purity bullshit is this? Or are you some self deluded royalty now? Seriously, get a grip from your own delusion of insufficiency.

Divemedic on his own and me on mine, decided to get the vaccine. No pressure from anybody or any government enticement, but simple an educated choice from old farts who have probably taken more immunizations than an small Latin American country. Also, both have supported your God Given Right NOT to get the vaccine. We assume you are an adult and considered yourself a low risk individual and rather not take any chances with what you feel an untested inoculation. That is fine with us.

But shit like what was posted, makes me believe that whatever decission taken was not made under a rational and calm thought process but rather joining a fashionable pack of posers because it looks and sounds cool in social media or maybe because certain Kool Aid was flavorful enough for them to ingest whole and it demands to insult any who is not wearing the proper label rather than respect a decision.

Or to make it crayon-simple: Dude, we support your choice and you fucking turn around and insult us?  GFYS and don’t come back for support for any of your causes.

That is all.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Dear Fashionable Anti Vaxxer: Stop being a dick.”
  1. Large contingents of both sides fall into the “didn’t reason into their position, won’t be reasoned out of it” category. Both show a severe hatred of liberty.

  2. This is clearly a place where everyone should be able to make their own choice. Taunting someone for deciding “not the way you would” is very junior high.

  3. Bingo. I haven’t gotten it and don’t plan on it but that’s a PERSONAL CHOICE. It goes both ways. Virtue signaling on either side is laughable.

  4. The risk/benefit ratio varies between people. You wouldnt run across a busy hiway in the middle of rush hour without looking both ways — unless there’s some crazed neolib socialist scum swinging an ax at your head 3 feet behind you. Same risk of getting hit by a car, way more benefit in the latter case to accept that risk.

    My 89 yo mother got vaxxed and I will seriously and effectively prevent my 9 yo daughter from getting it while strongly urging my 23yo son not to get it. My mom needs to avoid it just like getting the flu vax ’cause a simple flu could kill her. She has little worries about long term sequellae at reasonably fit 89 yo. My kids both are at such low risk of an adverse outcome to CoVid, that those risks are at worst comparable to a bad outcome from the vax if not lower than than the vax. As for me, I’m on the cusp based on age and lucky enough to be on no meds, no obesity (the risk factor for bad outcomes w CoVid) and normal blood work. I can wait a few years. But there’s somethng about ‘experimental’ ….My wife, let’s just say she really hates needles. A lot. No, more than that. Way more.

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