Lucia McBath penned (or was penned for her, cursive and all that) a long lamentation about the expansion of Immunity from Prosecution although she keeps miscalling it “expanding Stand Your Ground.”

“Expanding Stand Your Ground would send a clear message to communities of color in Florida – that we are not welcome or safe in this state. This new law will only encourage more violence, making it easier for hate-motivated gun criminals to avoid prosecution. More than 8,000 gun-related hate crimes take place in our country every year, and now with this already deadly law expanded, I fear even more violence for Florida’s marginalized communities. The citizens of Florida deserve better than someone who kowtows to the gun lobby.”

Not welcome? A full 40% of Florida’s population is what the Liberals define as P.O.C. (People of Color) so I figure not only they are welcome, but have been downright settled for a while. S, I am sorry if we must decline you Race card since it is way over the limit.

PS: I am doing a post about the real racial figures of Florida’s Stand Your Ground. You are gonna find it quite illuminating. Wait for it tomorrow.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Dear Ms. McBath, about your race card..”
  1. Is she the Mother who son was shot and although the dirt bag called it SYG he was found guilty? She is a bit off the mark here?

    1. McBath’s sun was Jordan Davis, he was killed by Michael Dunn in a dispute while they were parked outside a convenience store. The case was sometimes known as the “rap music” case. Dunn never had a very credible self-defense narrative, and was ultimately convicted of murder and three counts of attempted murder (there were three other people in the car with Davis), and got sentenced to life + 60 years. In other words, the system worked.

  2. I seem to recall that, on the main, the people who’ve benefitted most from stand your ground have been those selfsame people of color.

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