This was posted originally in March last year. I am just going to Copy and Paste the whole thing.

Michael Bane keeps repeating something that is true: The Liberals are chumming the waters. It is like they were betting heavily on a bad response, a bloody act and then somehow, magically and by the force of their convictions, nothing else would happen but they get to control everybody because magic.

These people need to revisit the tale of Pandora’s box. They also need to know that an average of 500 members of Irish Republican Army kept the British Army entangled for decades in an island where they have absolute control of comings and goings and no Bill of Rights to impede them.

They may be interested to know that from 1964 to 2017 the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) drove the Colombian Government crazy to the point they rather pardon them and stop the killing than keep fighting them. The FARC ended up controlling one-third of Colombia and took over the growing and processing of coca leaves into cocaine paste. We are talking about 7,000 armed revolutionaries controlling and area the size of the State of California with only 7,000 armed people.

Since 1991,Abu Sayaff has been basically in control of the south of the Philippines with 1,500 members at its peak, 400 members estimated now. The government cannot get rid of them.

In Peru, Shinning Path (1982) was possibly the cruelest and most sadistic assholes of all terrorist groups in South America. Even though the leader of the group was arrested and the organization is a shadow of what it was, they are still active. Number of members? Although nowadays they run under 500, at its highest they had about 2,000 they managed to keep a tight grip 124,000 square miles of Peru, roughly the size of New Mexico.

So basically you have the example of four real terrorist organizations totaling under ten thousand individuals, controlling more than a quarter million square miles of territory of four countries without any Bill Of Rights’ protections for decades. The question now is very simple:

Do you really want five million NRA members becoming the thing you call us?

Food for thought on that one.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

15 thoughts on “Dear San Francisco did not do the math on the NRA Terrorist thing, did they?”
  1. And how many of those 5 million would be serious enough to DO something…. this too shall pass and We the People will live our life , work , play, pray, load mags…..lotsa mags..

      1. There have been 320 million NICS checks in the past 20 years. There have been 17 million rifles manufactured in the US in the past 5 years. I am thinking that at least half of those are AR pattern rifles. (Since the US average was 1.5 million a year until HRC Announced she was running, then it went to 3.5-4.5 million)

        People heard about a possible ban, and I assume that they weren’t buying all of those rifles simply to turn them in.

  2. Local toy store ran out of 80% lower, stripped lowers, bcg, charging handles. They are selling like hot cakes. He can’t keep them in stock.

    Having a bunch of parts sitting in the attic sounds more and more reasonable.

    Does anybody know where to buy spam cans of 5.56? Sort of like the spam cans of 7.62x54r?

          1. As a diver, I’m sure you have found things at the bottom of the lake that nobody ever expected you to find. Just because us landlubbers can go that far down, doesn’t mean that a kid with a snorkel, fins and mask won’t find it.

            I was using the 20ft deep lake to make a point about seals. Not sure what an ammo can is rated for. (Just got done with a short rabbit hole dive. Turns out that ammo cans are not rated “water tight” but instead are rated “air tight” per specs. And testing is to immerse the can at least 1 in below the surface of the water and then apply a 3psi pressure difference. That is a pressure difference of about 83 inches of water but without the pressure.)

            Regardless, when doing long term storage you need to keep light, water, and O2 out while being physically strong enough to handle dings bumps and other mis-adventures.

    1. Not quite the same thing, but SG Ammo has “battle packs” – boxes of ammo sealed in heavy plastic bags.

      Also, there’s a company called CanMunition making soda can-sized .. cans of ammo. Global Ordnance ( carries them. But at almost $0.44/rnd (for Fiocchi) before shipping, I’d personally rather go for a .30 or .50 cal can and a dessicant pack.

  3. Those folks want the US government to pass a similar resolution. So, here’s a question.

    How many NRA members hold US government security clearances? Remember this includes not only direct employees, but also lots of contractors (e.g. the national labs’ security services, technical staff, etc.), other civilians who work on sensitive stuff (e.g. certain divisions of Boeing, Raytheon, etc.) and military personnel.

    Since being a past or present member of a terrorist organization generally excludes one from holding a clearance, and losing a clearance is generally grounds for dismissal, these folks will likely lose their jobs. Depending on what they do for a living they may or may not be able to readily find gainful employment elsewhere … but more than likely not. How do you think this group of people will react?

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