By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

11 thoughts on “Did AOC pull a David Hogg with her recount of the the Capitol Building attack?”
  1. I’ve often asked this of anti-gunners when they do things like include suicides and police shootings in the “victims of gun violence” stats:

    If their cause is noble, why the need to lie?

    I’ve since learned that’s a useful measure in all kinds of things. Especially now that I have kids old enough to think that they can lie to me and get away with it.

    1. Especially now that I have kids old enough to think that they can lie to me and get away with it.

      That’s AOC’s problem, right there. She doesn’t have kids; she’s barely not-a-kid herself! (Not necessarily in terms of physical age, but certainly in terms of maturity.)

      She’s never had to deal with people “old enough to think that they can lie to me and get away with it,” so it doesn’t occur to her that she can’t.

      1. There may be some Dunning-Krueger going on, too. When my oldest was about 6, we had to explain to him that while he is smart, that doesn’t make everyone else stupid.

        The difference is, of course, that my kid is actually smart.

  2. As pointed out in a prior post, she’s high on her own “victim status”.

    So high, in fact, that she’s unable to discern the difference between false victim status and the real thing.

    Another question: Since someone was shot in the Capitol building during her “near death experience”, why isn’t she playing up her status as a “gun violence survivor”?

  3. Isn’t the first time she’s done something like this.
    Remember her dramatic weepy photos of her weeping over what was supposed to be caged migrant kids, but was only a parking lot?
    Stalin would love her- and have her immediately sent to Gulag.

  4. Yawn….. another irritating irrelevant idiot embellishing a (yawn) “horrible” ecounter that was no where near as dangerous as she thinks. Go back and tend bar moron..

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