And he is being polite:


Get it out of your head and heart that you will ever see a bill through Congress that cannot be twisted or misused.

You will never see one.  Ever.

If you can’t get that notion out of your head, you’re never going to see any advancement to your rights, ever.

Don’t like it?  Tough shit.

Don’t like me saying it?  Tough shit.

Shit canning every attempt to make things even a little better makes you look like inflexible fanatics.

Inflexible fanatics who only a couple short years ago were demanding compromise in our direction instead of it being all one sided.

We got that, but it wasn’t perfect (because it cannot be) and you would not hear of it being passed.

So we get nothing, because it was all or nothing with you and you sure were louder than the more reasonable voices.

All or nothing means NOTHING.  Every time.  Without exception.

So now I know when you say no compromise, you mean, “I’m anti rights and anti-gun!” and I know I can ignore you from now on.  Traitors.

Dissuade Yourself Of The Notion – The Abode of McThag


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

13 thoughts on “Dissuade Yourself Of The Notion – The Abode of McThag.”
  1. I often consider myself as “No Compromise” on second amendment issues, not because I don’t recognize the truth Of McThag’s statement, but rather, as the opening position for negotiations. I’m not one to throw the baby out with the bathwater, nor am I one to vote out an otherwise solid 2A politician because he or she voted for a less than perfect bill. I do have a problem with politicians and organizations starting out giving away the farm before the negotiations commence.

  2. Someone took the time to create a blogger ID JUST to call me stupid in the comments to my original post.

    They were in such a hurry they missed the statement on comments… and got their effort deleted.

  3. Half a loaf today.

    We can get the other half next week.

    I want National Reciprocity because it will do more to NORMALIZE guns and gun culture in NYC, DC, CA, NJ, and MD than any other thing likely. I want to hear Cuomo and DiBlasio hyperventilating about “Blood in the Streets!,” and “Wild West Shootouts!” I want the hoplophobic twits to discredit themselves by figuratively sh—-ing their pants on live TV.

    Because we all know what will happen, the same thing that happened in Forty (40) other US States,


    No blood, no shootouts. And then the citizens of NYC, NJ, and CA will start to ask the obvious question, Why do WE have these stupid laws?

    I want an NRA Convention in Manhattan with a 100,000 concealed carriers marching on the NYT, and ABC/CBSNBC/CNN. Can you imagine the hysteria before, during, and the absolute “Meh?” afterwards?

    Destroy the Fear!

  4. The fact that the House passed nation wide reciprocity was a result of a lot of compromise, starting in Florida a few decades ago. Had they went with the “All or Nothing” approach, we wouldn’t have gotten that far, because there were restrictions on that- need for a class, need to get a “permission slip”, and other things.
    Florida showed that Shall Issue carry wasn’t automatically Blood in the Streets, and it spread to more and more states.

    1. Good point. And from “shall issue” we moved forward to “constitutional carry”. Still not “all” but closer.
      BTW, Miguel, I read your screed “national reciprocity is dead” but I couldn’t make much of it. You seem to be attacking some people for being bad guys, or bad tacticians. But who? Am I supposed to know? I don’t, and I don’t know how I should figure out who you referred to. If you want to criticize people for doing the wrong thing, PLEASE name names, otherwise your critique can’t be used by people like me to take the action that I think you’re encouraging.

  5. McThag is 100%, absolutely dead on the money. Forgive the sports analogy, but I’m sick and tired of idiots whose only play call is a “hail Mary” into the end zone…over and over and over again. How about some first downs, dummies? Driving all the way down the field may be slow, and we might even lose ground on a play or two, but overall we advance the ball. But that’s not good enough for the “all or nothing” crowd, and my own damn congressman is leading the charge:

  6. Someone needs to hit my comments and nail this NY Refugee to the wall.

    I tells you, if there’s one thing Floridians are sick of is listening to people from NY telling us how we should do things… It makes me irrationally hostile.

  7. Ohio’s original carry law was pretty awful. Could not carry concealed in a car, could not open carry in a car without a license, could not touch a gun while in an operating car, gun had to be holstered or locked to be legal in a car, could not be locked in the center console. Local governments could ban specific guns (I didn’t own a gun I could carry legally on all of I-75) unlicensed concealed carry was a no-excuses felony. An empty gun in the same container as the ammo was considered loaded. Mandatory 12 hours training with at least 2 hours of live fire range time, had to be re-certified if it had been too long since your class, and your current license wasn’t proof that you had the required training. Carry in a restaurant with an alcohol license was a felony, even if you just went in to check whether they had a license. Only states with substantially similar training could get reciprocity agreements. Journalists had access to license records and could publish lists of license holders.

    We accepted the stupid restrictions as an improvement over no legal carry. Every few years we’d get another couple idiocies fixed–Training requirements are substantially reduced, and everything else I mentioned is gone. If we had waited until we could pass a perfect bill, we’d likely still be waiting.

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