Brooklyn Center City Manager Curt Boganey was fired on Monday evening, hours after he publicly disagreed with Mayor Mike Elliott’s assertion that the police officer who fatally shot a Black man in the Minneapolis suburb should be immediately fired in response to the incident.

Daunte Wright shooting: Brooklyn Center city manager fired after call for due process for police officer

What was the nasty thing the City Manager said that drew such an ire from the Mayor?

Before leaving the podium, Elliott noted that Boganey, as city manager, had the authority to determine whether the officer would be fired. Boganey noted that he would not take immediate action to remove the officer.
“All employees working for the city of Brooklyn Center are entitled to due process with respect to discipline,” Boganey said. “This employee will receive due process and that’s really all that I can say today.”

And it gets worse:

The Brooklyn Center City Council voted to fire Boganey, a longtime city employee, during an emergency meeting, the Star Tribune reported. At the same meeting, the council voted to give the mayor command authority over the city’s police department.
During a virtual workshop after the meeting, Council Member Kris Lawrence-Anderson said she voted to fire Boganey out of fear of potential reprisals from protestors if she did not, according to the newspaper.
“He was doing a great job. I respect him dearly,” Lawrence-Anderson said. “I didn’t want repercussions at a personal level.”

Mob Rule won big time. And if they are afraid of the “peaceful protestors” that much, the Mayor may order them to stand down and not stop rioters from doing their deeds since now he has control over the Police Department. And if shit gets out of hand and the city starts to burn, you can bet your ass the verdict in the Chauvin case will be guilty because no juror in that panel will risk being lynched if they vote the opposite.

Once again: Mob Rule won big time.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on “Due Process? How dare you? You are fired! (Mob Rule for the win)”
  1. How many scalps will the mob accumulate? How long before the police officers say F it, I quit? The Mayor and City Council may as well resign and turn the City over to the mob, not that they haven’t already.

    1. I expect we will soon, if not already, seeing a dramatic increase of the average age of the force … cops close to retirement won’t want to lose that reverse ski-slope increase in the worth of the pension. Younger cops have much less to lose.

  2. They’re doing everything they can to make sure Chauvin’s head is stuck on a pike after he’s gassed, fried and chopped into little pieces.

    As for the Brooklyn City mayor… they’ll come for him and make him beg, and it won’t do any good. Ditto for the council.

  3. IANAL but I have heard several talk about the complicated legal situation with government jobs. Its not that easy to fire someone IIRC its called a liberty interest. Summarily firing someone tends to lead to a lawsuit that gets them their job back with back pay.

  4. “I didn’t want repercussions at a personal level.”
    Jurors who will vote to convict even if they believe the defence made its case because they’re afraid of repercussions….
    Easy to say, but at some point you have to do what’s right. We as a nation have fallen so far.

  5. “During a virtual workshop after the meeting, Council Member Kris Lawrence-Anderson said she voted to fire Boganey out of fear of potential reprisals from protestors if she did not, according to the newspaper.
    “He was doing a great job. I respect him dearly,” Lawrence-Anderson said. “I didn’t want repercussions at a personal level.”

    I didn’t hear this reported on Twin Cities TV News. Thank you.

    The gutless city council also passed a resolution forbidding tear gas and the like. It only applies to the Brooklyn Center cops. The State Patrol, Hennepin County Sheriff, National Guard and any mutual aid police are exempt, so guess what? Flashbangs, pepper balls and teargas are going to be used. The Brooklyn Center police are just going to sit it out. But this police station will not be overrun like the Minneapolis 3rd Precinct last May. (And almost the Fifth Precinct too.)

    The local news are covering the third night of live protests at the police station as I type.

    Walz at least has the MN NG out early this time

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