A friend on mine just posted a picture of his lunch in Facebook and I noticed something:

Anchovy and prune pizza. Don’t ask me.

Yup, the anti straw campaign because somebody “rescued a turtle with a straw up its nose.

This is all Environmentalist BS.  What are the chances that a floating straw delivers itself head on into the small nostril of a swimming sea turtle in the moving seas? Are we talking one in a trillion?

Maybe, just maybe, the sad reality is that sea turtles are snorting coke like it was the ending scenes of Scarface and the aspiration on this particular critter was so hard, the straw just rocketed up inside its breathing canals.

Sea Turtles are having a cocaine addition problem and we are banning straws? Stupid! We need to address the real problem!


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Dumb Enviromental Movement hides a much deeper problem”
  1. Turtles? Cocaine? There’s so much room for a Mitch McConnell joke, but I’m not touching it. I have standards.

  2. On an aside, what would a sea turtle consider it’s ‘little friend’ in that scene? By scale, even a .22 would be bigger than the 40mm that Scarface was swinging.

    Asking the pressing questions 😀

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