Their listing at the Idealist website.

  • Data Manager, Maine Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense
    Portland, ME, US
  • Field Organizer, Maine Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense
    Portland, ME, US
  • Deputy National Organizing Director for Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America and Everytown For Gun Safety
    Los Angeles, CA, US
  • Deputy National Organizing Director for Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America and Everytown For Gun Safety
    New York, NY, US
  • Research Manager
    New York, NY, US
  • Legal Intern, Everytown for Gun Safety
    New York, NY, US
  • Associate Regional Director for State Affairs
    New York, NY, US
  • Special Assistant to the President
    New York, NY, US
  • Deputy National Organizing Director, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America and Everytown for Gun Safety
    New York, NY, US
  • Deputy National Organizing Director, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America and Everytown for Gun Safety
    Washington, DC, US
  • Campaigns Coordinator
    New York, NY, US
  • National VAN Administrator
    Washington, DC, US
  • Operations Coordinator: Engagement
    New York, NY, US

Two things that look interesting: They are aiming at Maine, a state with liberal (as in little restrictions) gun laws. Small state, are they thinking they can steamroll into California-Style gun control? Will Maine residents be bamboozled by Shannon and Mike?

Was there a lay-off at Everytown/Moms? I have no idea about their internal structure, but although the titles are impressive and appear to be for a national coverage, they are mostly based in NYC. And there is a vacancy for Special Assistant to the president (John Feinblatt) and somehow I doubt that they not have that position up and running prior to this job posting.

Other than NYC, they are “opening” in Los Angeles. Not a very risky move, sort of opening a bar in Dublin instead of Damascus.

My take, something did happen, probably related with McAuliffe and heads rolled off. Maine is a special target and the rest of the States will continue to have their orders issued from NYC and keep the spotlight on themselves.

Your thoughts/ideas/interpretation?

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “Everytown is hiring more than initially thought.”
  1. my idea… infiltrate their I.T. structure and start changing the “facts” they reference all the time. Today they are at war with Eurasia. But tomorrow they’ll be at war with Eastasia.

    1. But… they do that already. School shootings went from Columbine-type events to somebody shooting a bb gun at a front yard of a private home near school bus stop 4 miles away from any school.

  2. Right, they do, but he’s saying, change it back…

    It’s a shame they don’t have any openings in CO. I’d be happy to “help” and collect a paycheck from them for doing it.

  3. NYC is a good place for them. A nanny-state metropolis in which the constitution is not only ignored, but held in contempt by elected officials and the populace. They have no presence in the quasi-rural village I live in here in upstate. I wonder why? Surely they would get a “warm” welcome.

  4. Remember that fancy-sounding titles are usually just that: fancy sounding. It’s like how the kid that goes out for coffee at the radio station is an Assistant Producer.

    But it does seem that either they’re ramping up for something or restaffing after getting rid of a lot of people.

  5. A lot of “gun” owners here in MAINE, a LOT more than “they” realize…………………..

  6. Maine is a ballot initiative state. Everytown is looking to push a universal background check program similar to Washington State in each State that has the ballot initiative. They will use professional media/communications persons to run a miss-information campaign to promote the plan. Uninformed/underinformed voters will push the plan into law, then a gun owner will not even be able to hand a firearm to another person without a background check. A State record of the background checks will most likely be kept via State Police therfore creating de-facto regristration. Beware Maine!

  7. My Dad is anti-gun. He’s a stanch Hillary Supporter. If you asked him if he was a gun owner, he’d say no….but he had a rifle and a shotgun in his house until recently.

    Even the antis own guns in Maine.

    Also Maine just passed Constitutional Carry, and beat back a ban on bear baiting by the Humane Society.

    There’s always a possibility for Universal Background Checks….but it’ll be an uphill battle.

  8. Maine and Nevada might be test runs before they go “all in” for the big propaganda victory in Arizona. After I594 passed in WA, Maine, Nevada, and Arizona were specifically mentioned as next on the Everytown list. AZ has been consistently given the top spot as “the best state for gun owners” by several publications and pro-gun groups. If they win in Maine and Nevada, Arizona is next. If they win in AZ, the rest of the country will fall. Don’t just donate to the ILA and your own state pro-gun groups, it’s time to help out our brethren in these states that are under siege from Bloomberg and Co. WA was not as big of a win for them as everyone thinks. Their ballot initiative passed with 59.6% of the vote with a 5% overlap for the competing ballot initiative put forth by the Second Amendment Foundation, a budget that outspent the pro gun groups at least 8:1, and the big city voting bloc of Seattle. They should have gotten a lot closer to that “90% of Americans support UBC’s” claim in a state like WA, but they didn’t. Defeating Everytown in ME, NV, and AZ is well within reach.

  9. Update- universal backround checks FAILED in Maine. As Roger said- there are ALOT of gun owners up here.

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