“I’m the only one in this room professional enough..”

WATCH: A person was shot in the leg by accident when an off-duty FBI agent’s gun got dislodged and fell to the floor while he was doing a backflip at a nightclub downtown, Denver Police said in a release.

DPD: Person shot when off-duty FBI agent’s gun gets dislodged while dancing at night club

Let’s go through the screw ups, shall we?

  1. Small of the back holster.
  2. Small of the back holster that does not have  proper weapon retention.
  3. Dancing like a fool with a gun in a Small of the back holster that does not have  proper weapon retention.
  4. Rushed to recover the gun and instead of gently picking it up, he garbed and activated the trigger.

I am gonna revert to old IDPA holster rules as advice on how to determine if a holster is a good one: Place the UNLOADED gun inside the holster, turn it upside down and shake it hard. If the gun remains in the holster, you have a good one.

In Action Pistol competitions, it is very but very infrequent we see somebody dropping a gun. The shooter is not allowed to pick the gun up precisely for fear of what happen to the FBI agent could happen in the range. The shooter is under tension plus embarrassed and it is a natural reaction to go after the gun. If you drop a gun on your own, simply STOP! count slowly to ten and then slowly pick the gun up making sure your fingers go nowhere near the trigger. I would go as far as placing the gun on a safe surface and wait several minutes before holstering it or securing it. You have a couple of seconds to screw up and get an ND  or several minutes to go slow and safe with nobody getting hurt.

Hat Tip Jonathan B.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “FBI agent has Dancing Negligent Discharge.”
  1. If someone had told me this story without the video, my first reaction would have been to call BS. No “professional” carries small of the back anymore. What a maroon.

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