By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “FBI Capitol Building Event Snitch Page”
  1. I wonder how many tips pointing to all the democratic representatives that have actively promoted violence against the right over the last years get listed there.

    I’d love to submit references to Maxine Waters (get in there face, don’t let them eat in peace) and all the rest that wanted violence.

    Plus all the BLM people that burned and looted.

    It will be very interesting.

    1. I read their request. What they say they are asking for tips on includes all of the above mentioned actions. I *know* they want tips on the mob that entered or damaged the capitol building.

    2. Can you take dick pics with a burner phone. Asking for a friend.

      Name: Richard Tallywhacker.
      Location: In Christopher Wray’s wife.

      1. There are sites that will purge all identifying information from and image and leave just the image. But it would be way easier to pay $5 for a month of VPN service, fire up an old lap top on one of the Hackstor’s operating system, turn on the VPN and then just post random picks that already exist at large on the internet.

        I’m sure you could find dozens of images of dicks and pricks just in a class picture of the democrat party of congress.

  2. Just spam them with the profile pics of all Democrat Congressmembers. “This person was there, I saw the video! He/she was involved!” They’re not going to be able to say they weren’t there.

    If you choose compliance, choose malicious compliance.

    Alternatively, send in photos of Stacey Abrams’ judge sister-in-law, who openly defied Georgia election law to allow votes that should have been discarded under the residency requirements. Or photos of Chief Justice John Roberts, who failed in his duties to uphold precedent and guarantee the individual voting rights of millions of Americans. Or Hillary Clinton, for myriad reasons; pick your favorites.

    All of those are legitimate “tips” for illegal (or at least immoral and unethical) acts leading up to the protest.

    Or send dick pics. The point is to decrease the signal-to-noise ratio, asymptotically to zero or as close as possible, to make it prohibitively difficult to find actual tips. Dick pics work just as well for that.

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