
It sends a shiver up my spine when anyone talks about cleansing in reference to people or an ideology.

Things will only get worse of the people who stormed the Capitol because they felt neglected feel like they are going to be cleansed from the Nation.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Talking head Nazi”
  1. So, lets take his first paragraph and insert Seattle, Portland, Chicago or Detroit instead of “seat of American government”. Then replace “outgoing President” with the names of the mayors of the respective cities. I find it most interesting that none of these “journalists” (and I use that term loosely) want to address the democrat ran cities that are falling apart.

  2. It just hit me yesterday – – this might have been how my late adult kulak ancestors felt in the months (or years?) before NKVD came for them.

    They knew the world was going mad. They must have realized what was coming. But, things things could not have become that bad, right?

    And what could they have done?

    Where would they go, when all their life and blood was in the land and there were children, so many children, babies?

    I guess they hoped the unthinkable would not happen.

    P. S. It sounds dramatic, but I have seen the records of this so called trial. And I know how the survivors behaved the rest of their lives in the Ussr.

    P. P. S. Lately I hear quite often from immigrant friends (not illegals aliens): Yes, we can leave, but where to go?

  3. Hey “ricky” YOU gonna lead the “cleanse “??? Bring it on hero. 75+MILLIONpissed off armed Americans are waitin on your pussy ass.. remember kids- liberals are only 24% of the population. They start something We the People will finish it

  4. They want to cleanse the country of Trump supporters. And by cleanse I mean exterminate.

    The nazi’s killed 11 million people in 12 years. The soviets 60 million of the course of over 70 years. The democrats want to kill at minimum 80 million in the next 4 years. And that’s the low number. What about all the people that are not Trump voters that they also want to exterminate like every single gun owner in the country that for some reason didn’t vote for Trump, along with every single solitary United States citizen that would oppose the extermination of the above groups. I mean realistically how many people in the United States right now actually want the Democrats to literally kill every single person in the United States that opposes the Democrats? Because that’s all the Democrats want to have left. And I keep saying if you don’t think they are completely willing to use nuclear bombs to kill us because their ultimate goal is the extermination of the entire United States population that opposes them you are delusional. And that’s coming from me. Of course it will probably be the normal mass starvation. How else are you going to kill 230, million people at minimum in the next four years without turning the nation into an irradiated wasteland? Of course these are Democrats and they hate United States so turning the country into an irradiated wasteland is probably a good thing to them.

    1. Oh, it’s more than that. They want to reduce the global population to about 500M.

      80M Trump supporters is *nothing.*

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