Yesterday, the Left was calling on the Capitol Police to save the Capitol from the protesters.

Today, Joe Biden is calling them all racists who would murder black protesters en masse – which they didn’t do when BLM rooted in DC, by the way.

How many Capitol Police are regretting driving out the protesters and having to serve the Biden administration.

“Thanks for saving us from the mob you fucking racists who would murder innocent black people for no reason.”

My God he sucks.

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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “This is the Left on race”
  1. There are a very significant number of black officers on the Capital police force. In fact, I do not recall seeing too many white police offices when I was living in the DC area.

    So, from my anecdotal information, Biden is saying that a bunch of black police officers would have shot and likely killed a bunch of black people because they were black.

    Right. OK.

    1. Not anymore. Now they have an entire police state and nothing to stop them from arresting you on grounds of “suspicion of actions against the state,” where they’ll take you to an undisclosed location and you’ll never be seen again.

      1. There is a hell of a lot of room between the US today and a totalitarian state that runs a gulag system. The inability to discern between fantasy and reality has long been a hallmark of the left, and if the right heads down that road…

  2. Hm. How many BLM protesters have been killed by police? Zero, I think. Or maybe one, a murderer who was white.
    How many MAGA protesters have been killed by police? One.

    Last I looked, in most math at least, one was greater than zero.

  3. I mean, he’s right. If it’d been a BLM/Antifa riot, the protesters would have been treated with kid gloves, no one would have been shot, and if they had, everyone would be wringing their hands about how an “unarmed person” was killed by a plainclothes cop.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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