Here we go again. Here is what they are proposing. Remember, this is not just a new law but the State Constitution. If passed, all state courts will have to abide by it and that means a longer and more expensive challenge to take it to Federal Court to battle.

A proposal to amend Sections 2 and 8 of Article I of the State Constitution to remove a provision authorizing laws that regulate or prohibit the ownership, inheritance, disposition, and possession of real property by aliens ineligible for citizenship, to limit the age to purchase a firearm to at least twenty-one years of age, to require three days between the purchase and delivery of a firearm, to require a comprehensive background check during the period between the purchase and delivery of a firearm as prescribed by law, and to prohibit specified acts relating to the sale and possession of a bump-fire stock.


And the title is amended as follows:
Delete lines 88 – 89
and insert:
law, to prohibit specified acts relating to the sale and possession of a bump fire stock, and to prohibit the sale and transfer of assault weapons. s.


A proposal to amend Section 8 of Article I of the State Constitution to limit the age to purchase a firearm to at least twenty-one years of age, to require ten days between the purchase and delivery of a firearm, to require a comprehensive background check during the period between the purchase and delivery of a firearm as prescribed by law, to prohibit specified acts relating to the sale and possession of a bump-fire stock, to prohibit the sale and possession of assault weapons, and to prohibit the sale and possession of large capacity magazines.


A proposal to amend Sections 2 and 8 of Article I of the State Constitution to remove a provision authorizing laws that regulate or prohibit the ownership, inheritance, disposition, and possession of real property by aliens ineligible for citizenship, and to prohibit the sale and transfer of assault weapons.

I will go in detail the next days about each proposal.

But in the meantime, start emailing the crap out of the people in the Constitutional Commission. NRA Alert follows.

Some of the members of the Florida Constitution Revision Commission (CRC) are very anti-gun and they are proposing and pushing gun ban and gun control amendments to put in the Florida Constitution.

Commissioners will be voting on these amendments soon. Links to these amendments are listed at the bottom.

Among these amendments are:

*An “assault weapons” ban which bans the distribution, sale, transfer, and possession of so-called assault weapons and any detachable magazine that has a capacity of more than 9 rounds.  (Makes possession illegal with no compensation provided for those already possessed that must be surrendered)

*A ban on any semi-automatic rifle that is able to accept a detachable magazine or has a fixed magazine capable of holding more than 10 rounds. (that means almost all semi-automatic rifles)

*A ban on the sale and transfer of “assault weapons” and defines “transfer” as the conveyance “from a person or entity to another person or entity WITHOUT any conveyance of money or other valuable consideration.”  (Note: to “convey” between persons without compensation could mean the simple act of handing the firearm to another person while hunting, on the range, or anywhere)

*A 10 day waiting period (excluding weekends and legal holidays) on all firearms to facilitate a background check.

*A ban on the purchase of any firearm by a person under 21 years of age.

*A ban on the sale, transfer and possession of bump stocks and other accessories, tools, kits, etc.

Please email CRC Commissioners and tell them to OPPOSE gun control amendments!

PLEASE DO IT NOW!!! They could be voting on these amendments at any time!


(To send your message to all just Block and Copy All email addresses into the “Send To” box)

Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “Florida Alert: Anti-gun CRC Members Want Gun Bans in the Florida Constitution”
  1. Email sent.

    Actually got some autoreplies, that’s more than my dickhead congress creatures did.

  2. Go ahead, ban modern magazines. The result will be that most people retain their modern guns, and can be prosecuted. But you’ll notice squealing “so-and-so has a banned gun” has not become the new threat in divorces in Connecticut since registration in 2014. What is preventing that, I wonder?

  3. It’s too bad the Koch brothers aren’t as big donors as the left makes them out to be because the pro-freedom side could really use a billionaire. Bloomberg and Soros hand out millions of bucks like change from between their sofa cushions and every penny the pro-freedom side has – from the NRA to the 2AF to Florida Carry – is nickles and dimes from working people.

    I wouldn’t doubt we’re being outspent by thousands to 1. And we saw just how effective email campaigns are when the governor and party leaders are pushing something with the current gun control laws.

  4. And here’s my letter:

    Dear Constitutional Revision Commission member:

    I urge you, in the strongest possible terms, to remember that you are revising a constitution, not engaging in politically expedient legislation to reflexively react to events of the day. Florida’s Constitution should not be the instrument to impose on future generations of Floridians ill-conceived, draconian, burdensome, costly – and likely federally unconstitutional – restrictions on Floridian’s gun rights.

    Many of the proposals currently under consideration by your body are nothing less than uncompensated, unlawful takings. Many others will instantly turn law-abiding citizens into felons. None will make any Floridian safer, nor take a single weapon from a single criminal. If you turn this process into the means by which you play out these extreme, anti-democratarian and illiberal laws, you will have done the people of Florida a great disservice, and will have dishonored your own service on the CRC. Don’t do that.

    Wishing you good judgment and prudence.

  5. Gun control laws don’t prevent spree killings because criminals don’t obey laws. Constitutions don’t limit government because criminal government employees don’t obey laws. Mark Twain commented in the 19th century that American legislators have an unusually high rate of criminal convictions. The approach to stopping criminal government employees used for the last 150 years is not working. Begging the bully not to hurt you merely shows weakness, encouraging the bully.

    A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

    Enemies would be overjoyed if the distributed citizen army necessary to the security of a free state was banned.

    Section 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

    In Ex Parte Bollman, 8 U.S. 75 (1807), the Supreme Court ruled that “there must be an actual assembling of men, for the treasonable purpose, to constitute a levying of war.

    That assembling is named the BATFE. As with murderers who use guns, tyrants who use policemen need to be removed from power when they offend. Why has nobody in the last 150 years assembled a grand jury of a million citizens to charge government officials with treason? Then all gun, weapon, rocketry, explosives, secrecy, cryptography, and export control laws; all enforcement agencies; all of the badness vanishes in one day.

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