Owners of assault weapons living in north suburban Deerfield have until June 13 to remove the firearms from village limits or face daily fines after a ban was approved Monday night.
The Village Board of Trustees unanimously approved a ban on certain types of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, amending a 2013 ordinance that regulated the storage of those items.
The new ordinance prohibits the possession, sale and manufacturing of certain types of assault weapons and large capacity magazines within the village, according to the legislation. One change from the law as it was originally discussed exempts retired police officers, according to Village Manager Kent Street.
Violations carry a fine of between $250 and $1,000 per day, according to Matthew Rose, the village attorney. He said the fine is levied each day until there is compliance.

Deerfield bans assault weapons and high-capacity magazines

But remember, they just want some common sense gun laws and they don’t want to ban anything or violate your rights. And that is why we have the State Pre-Emption law in Florida.

Basically what this cities want to do is the firearm’s equivalent of a Speed Trap writ large. Screwing with your Rights and make money at the same time? Oh yes, they will


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Florida: And this is why they want to go after State Pre-Emption.”
  1. Here’s the rub. IL has pre-emption but the city passed an ordinance bascially saying they could ignore it.

    Not to mention they have no way to enforce it since IL doesn’t have registration either. Just another feel-good measure that does nothing.

  2. Unfortunately someone is going to have to roll the dice on their 2nd amendment rights in order to challenge this.

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