More than half of the deaths by Wuhan V. are concentrated in three counties in the Southwest of the state.  You guys know I live in Miami-Dade county which is running 302 at time of posting.

Key West and Monroe County opened beaches, recreational facilities and parks to the locals. They are still not allowing anybody else come in but they pretty much decided that the locals need to get some sanity back.  I cannot but support them and say that other counties many without a single death,  should do the same and open up with or without restrictions according to common sense.

As much as I hate it, I have to chew on the fact that Miami-Dade is still in a delicate situation. Maybe not as extreme as we were 30 days ago, but we still have a high concentration of patients in nursery homes (at least 161 facilities) and old folks living at homes with the family that are easy targets for the Wuhan V.  and that means to design proper ways to open up without unnecessarily endangering their lives.

The Three Counties cannot be Hostage Takers just because of demographics. I say let the Other Counties open and have them livestream their days out so we can live vicariously through them.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “Florida cannot be held hostage to three counties.”
  1. My opinion is that those elderly that are living at home with relatives are in the best shape to survive the ChiCom virus. Their relatives can generally take better care of not bringing home the virus than nursing home staff. If the relatives are conscientious about how they disinfect themselves when they return from going out the elders should be fine.
    I have no immune system, meaning that ANYTHING that I catch can potentially land me in the hospital, and I have survived all of these years simply by disinfecting my hands with alcohol before I touch my face or anything that goes in my mouth and staying away from people spewing aerosols.
    But you are right. The whole country needs to stop being held hostage by the big cities.

  2. One of the things that bugs me is that they keep spouting off about how many people are positive for the virus, but many of those positives were two months ago. The virus only lasts 2 weeks or so, why aren’t they tracking the number of people who have recovered? Of the 32K people in Florida that were positive, how many still have it? 10K? More? Less? No one knows, or at least if they do know, they aren’t saying…


    This should be a mandatory read for everybody.

    Closing beaches and parks and jailing people in their houses is the worst one can do in time of a respiratory pandemic.

    Fresh air, sunshine, comfort, good mood – – all this helps our immune system

    Dark stifled rooms, depression, lack of exercise depresses it.

    P. S. And of course one should not forget protective coverings and proper hygiene.

    P. P. S. Another park near where I live just got closed.

  4. We goin thru the same thing here in maine. Our esteemed gubnor just increased the “stay at home order” to May 31!!!!!! And all the tuff talkin keyboard kommandos go “ ok. Ill shut down and ruin my life cause gubmint say so”.
    If you not healthy stay home. Otherwise go open your business.

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