Our local media has now settled into two distinct narratives when it comes as why Florida is not showing the disaster number of deaths that the North East has suffered as apparently one is not enough.. They are as creative as “the dog ate my homework” and ” Grandma died and I need to take the month of… no, this one is a different grandma.”

Narrative #1 : The statistics are fake!

“Stop hiding true COVID-19 stats, Gov. DeSantis. Our lives are still at risk | Opinion” by the Miami Herald Editorial Board 

You guys know this one already. The Media latched on the spiteful email of a rightfully fired Department of Health employee and created this pretty narrative that spread like wildfire without one iota of evidence. Even though the credibility of Ms. Jones has proven as low as the price to a ticket to the Wuhan Province, the false accusation is still bouncing around the political faithful.

But the disclosing that Dr. Rebekah Jones’ criminal behavior put a big dent in the credibility of her defenders, so another Narrative was needed with urgency. Enter the Sun Sentinel:

Narrative #2: We were lucky!

Luck allowed Florida — so far — to avoid the worst of COVID-19 pandemic | Fred Grim

Oh yes, we were lucky for whatever unknown reason that we are not piling up bodies, but nothing has to do with a smart campaign of protective measures.  I particularly like this little fragment in Grimm’s rant

DeSantis can talk about what he didn’t do back when other governors were adopting “draconian orders,” but he has yet to explain the magic formula he employed that enabled Florida to do better.

DeSantis was smart in two ways. The first one was exactly that he did not engage in Little Dictator tactics that would have risen an immediate rejection by the people, specially South Florida. Instead, he was the folksy buddy that told you, “You know? Just in case we better do this.” It is the same tone we use when we see a hurricane forming in the Atlantic and we figure we best be getting ready and putting the shutters up. If he had gone Democrat Dictator, the Media would have had a field day accusing him of being a Gringo Castro. Instead, he let the Mayors do their thing according to each’s locale and people responded voluntarily.

The second reason why we had such a low body count is very much important and it is suspicious that Grimm does not mention it: Strict guidelines on how nursing homes were to be run and the elderly cared for. DeSantis ordered all visits to nursing homes suspended, personnel and residents checked out and sent equipment and National Guard medical personnel to check and improve where necessary how the nursing homes were to operate during the pandemic. An specially, no contaminating nursing homes by forcing them to take on sick patients like His Highness King Cuomo did.  That led that Florida, with the biggest number of nursing homes and assisted living facilities and the biggest elderly population, had the lowest percentage of elderly deaths in the nation. How come Grimm did not mention our elderly? Probably because the effing abuelitos not dying screwed with his political pitch.

Hey, never let the facts get in the way of a South Florida Newspaper work for the Democratic Party… and for free!


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Florida now has TWO Narratives about the Wuhan Virus.”
  1. Re #1: Florida protected the elderly and even in our biggest cities people don’t generally go to work packed in underground tubes with no sunlight or fresh air where homeless use them for housing.

    Re #2: See above.

    Having spent time on Florida beaches, and having been sunburnt on them many times, I’m sure the only way to catch COVID on a beach is to have an infected person cough directly into your open mouth,

    Also, I want DeSantis to sue the ever loving living shit out of Jones. Establish in a court of law that she lied and the Florida stats are what was originally reported. The media could ignore it but they can’t say “Florida is hiding the numbers” when a judge orders discovery.

    1. Grimm sourly complains about our crappy urban transportation system in the editorial, yet says it is part of our “luck.”

      Complains that we don’t have Medicare For All yet nobody was sent away because of the Wuhan V.

      He piles the BS one a top of the other.

  2. The response of the socialized medicine systems across the globe was a solid F, possibly as good as a D-. At best.

    Even without a worldwide pandemic happening, the UK’s NHS (the shining star of socialized medicine, I might add) is not capable of handling the load. Ambulances line up outside of the ER (A&E in the NHS), and the doctors diagnose and treat people in the back of the ambulance because they just do not have the beds. I have a buddy that has needed (medically required) surgery for about five months now. Yet, it keeps getting pushed off, and pushed off. So, he is paying to get it done himself at a private hospital.

    Still the leftists want “medicare for all” despite the corona virus panicdemic demonstrating that a medical system run according to a bureaucrat’s spreadsheet does not have the flexibility to respond to an emergency.

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