Arrived yesterday to Wyoming Antelope Club to the usual group of people that know how to organize a match and could not be any friendlier. It is nice to see familiar faces from past matches and meet new friends collected over the interwebs. The wife and I bumped into John Strayer at the hotel and he was convinced she not only can speak but is as frightening as I’ve been telling everybody. I finally met Dale G. and somebody must stop feeding MiracleGro to him, he is frigging tall enough.

And one for the “Only in Florida” files: Seen somewhere around Sarasota Lakes.

One more thing, Alligator Alley is not just a cute name for the tourist trade. The sight of gators sunbathing on that 100 mile stretch of I-75 was something not even Animal Planet can fathom. The wife stopped counting at 70. I guess it explains the reinforced fence between the road and the Everglades.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Florida State IDPA Championship. Pre-Day One.”
  1. I hope you guys have a great time at the match. Tell the Little Blonde that we are looking forward to shooting with her next year.

  2. I just made a deal with her. She shoots it but she requires to be under your “wing” and me in a squad far away as possible…. probably so I don’t feel embarrassed at her out shooting the heck out of me.

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