I found out about this defensive shooting at a Pollo Tropical via the Social Media portal of a local TV station.  It had the dreaded words Stand Your Ground.

Police said Sunday they believe Cardiff Lindo, 33, of Davie killed Eric Primus, 49, of Tamarac in self-defense under the state’s Stand Your Ground law after Primus restarted an argument that began inside the Davie restaurant.

After reading the account of what happened, I defied the old advice of “Never read the comments” to check what were the readers thinking.  To my surprise in light of all the years now of negative news and editorials about SYG, the comments were for Stand Your Ground (I’d say 70 to 80%). There was a sprinkle of negative comments, some even daring to mention Trayvon Martin, but they were feeble attempts at repeating the tired arguments of “feeling scared” and “being shot for a discussion” and some outright lied and changed the events to fit the anti-gun agenda.

So, in the “case” of The People v. Stand Your Ground, once again the verdict is in: The People like the law, contrary to what the shills from Moms Demand, Violence Policy center and the Florida Prosecutors say.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.