By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Friday funny Pride Month video”
  1. I fucking loathe “Pride Month,” it began in the Nineties as a (very) thinly veiled socialist agitprop to distract suburban white liberals away from the utter failure of civic government by Democrats in major cities. I’m forty years old and have been openly bisexual since puberty, I was at the Pride Parades when it was still just a one day thing. Then a weekend. Then a week.

    We might have been chanting “We’re here. We’re queer. Get used to it!” But it took me a while to realize the organizers of these groups weren’t trying to make homosexuality normalized. Just one of many inconsequential quirks of any individual’s life in our society of no more importance than their hair color, skin tone, religion, or left- versus right-handedness. Oh, no. They wanted to tear down Western Civ. They were coy about it in 1991. Less so by 2001. In 2021 they’re putting it on their fucking posters.

    On the flip side, I also hate “Pride Month” because, well… We’re here. We’re queer. And everyone is used to it. Including Wall Street and Madison Avenue. Every June, every giant conglomerate starts slapping rainbows on every box and putting (very) thinly lesbian coded couples in their ads. Just sell me a fucking box of cereal or a shitty minivan, I don’t need to know that your board of directors thinks about my sex life.

    Although, I confess, watching the Marxists bitch about the “pinkwashing” of major corporations every June does red-line the old schadenfreude-o-meter.

  2. As a printer I have always loved that scene. Funny that they are so enthralled with raised print. Unless it is actually engraved raised print is considered cheap nowadays. This revised scene makes me laugh.

  3. Raised print has been cheap for decades; it was so back in the 1970s when I first got a business card. It’s just melted plastic dust sprinkled onto the wet ink.

    Actual engraved print is a different think entirely, and very obvious — it has sharp edges, not soft melted blurry ones. I’ve seen it only once or twice.

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