During a Gay Pride parade in Ft Lauderdale, a pick up truck (the preferred weapon of the Homophobic White Supremacists) ran over people, killing one and sending another to the hospital. The driver of the truck, a white man, was arrested and taken away by police.  Mayor Dean Trantalis, was quick to offer an explanation of what had happened:

“This is a terrorist attack against the LGBT community,” Trantalis told Local 10 News. “This is exactly what it is. Hardly an accident. It was deliberate, it was premeditated, and it was targeted against a specific person. Luckily they missed that person, but unfortunately, they hit two other people.”

2 hit by truck, 1 killed at Pride parade in Wilton Manors (local10.com)

“See? There is so much hate against the LGBTQKSHJHDYXBV:DPIUBF Community! We now have proof!”

Well, as usual first impressions specially colored by the paint of Victim Politics tend to be rather wrong. Here is a picture of the white supremacist’s assault truck:

Wait one second, Is that a gay flag? But…but we were told this was a HATE CRIME!

But wait, it gets worse.

The homophobic White Supremacist is part of the Gay community?

Police took the man who was driving the truck into custody and were questioning him. He was wearing a Fort Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus t-shirt.
Justin Knight, the chorus’ president, said through a spokesman that chorus members were the ones injured and that the driver was “part of the Chorus family.”
“Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by the tragic accident that occurred when the Stonewall Pride Parade was just getting started,” Knight said in a statement. “Our fellow Chorus members were those injured and the driver was also a part of the Chorus family. To my knowledge, this was not an attack on the LGBTQ community. We anticipate more details to follow and ask for the community’s love and support.”

So this is turning out to be a sad accident after all. South Florida for all its faults, it is pretty tolerant and while people may not embrace the overly ostentatious San Francisco style of Gay Pride (Even gays reject the feather and Sherwin Williams Make Up Displays of gayness) full fledged attacks are very rare.

But Mayor Dean Trantalis saw an opportunity to attract attention to the city for the wrong reasons and possibly champion himself as future hero of the oppressed minority group. I would hazard the reason is that Ft Lauderdale’s residents are getting a bit tired of having to boil water every month because broke clan water mains keep bursting all over town. And, of course, right or wrong, he is getting blamed for this infrastructure issue and perhaps he took a chance to divert the attention. Or maybe he is just another jackass trying to get brownie points with the voters by making stuff up and drumming up fear.

Well, at least the driver was White.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Ft Lauderdale Mayor wants Exalted Victimization Status for his city.”
  1. Darn. After the mayor outed this guy as White Supremacist Terrorist it’s gonna make it hard for him to get a date.

  2. Awwww. They were SOOOOO close to getting an actual case of assault by a white person against a protected class.

    Back to the drawing board.

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