By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

16 thoughts on “God, make this happen.”
  1. If Bloomberg enters, it’s going to be really important to make sure that every single gun owner in the USA knows precisely what he stands for. You and I know perfectly well, but I suspect there are way too many gun owners who do not yet know it. And they need to.

  2. “If these two do get n, no matter who wins, at least one third will be royally pissed of enough to stay home,. Hell maybe more.”

    I think that’s being optimistic. An expression I heard recently (specifically CA but applies elsewhere) is they would vote for a literal pile of crap if it had a ‘D’ next to it.

    At xgiving ’15, I was talking to my Bernie supporter niece. I told her that he wasn’t going to be allowed to win and that Hillary was already decided That she would do what she was told by the DNC. I then went on to prove that by her own admission she would vote for H over any R candidate by naming them one by one.

      1. There was (and is) a strong core of Clinton loyalists who were so outraged that Obama won the nomination over Clinton in 2008 devoted to “protesting the 2008 Presidential election because we refuse to support a nominee who was selected by the leadership rather than elected by the voters.” Yes that’s a quote.

        At first they were nicknamed PUMA’s from the quip “Party unity my ass!” But as good little leftists, they soon had to have committees, working groups, boards, secretaries, administrators, and a politburo so they formed a PAC:

        The PUMA’s went quiet during the actual Obama Administration, but they’re out there still….

  3. I love how the media was running with the talking point that Bloomberg was a “real billionaire” because he’s richer than Trump at $52B vs $3B.

    I thought being a billionaire was bad? Isn’t that Warren and Bernie’s position?

    How will it play put with Democrat voters who are not hypocritical that thier guy is better because he’s 17 times the billionaire that Trump is?

  4. I wonder how much he paid the DNC to coronate him. Democrats only care about power and they need money to stay in power. And the democrats are hurting for cash and there front runners are weak and compromised. If Bloomberg runs the only reason he would lose is because democrat voters choose Biden.

    Don’t underestimate Bloomberg. Hes the one making the NRA hurting a lot more than it should be. He’s the only reason your state is going to be in permanent democrat control. He’s the reason Miguel, your state WILL have gun registration passed and an AWB that makes California’s look tame. At least they can own SOME semi auto rifles. With what your getting all semi auto rifles will be blanket illegal with mandatory buybacks. He has almost literally unlimited money and he is almost the sole reason gun control has been passing at the state level. He literally bought the Virginia government this week. Virginia will have a private transfer ban, magazine capacity ban, red flag, licensing and registration, mandatory gun storage and the banning of all semi-auto rifles with confiscation. He is the ONLY reason Washington state, Oregon and Colorado passed gun control. He is the sole reason Nevada has banned private transfers. He has his sights at Arizona. He literally buys state governments. I would go so far to say he is gun control personified. Without him the gun control movement does since he is almost singlehandedly funding the whole operation. When gun ownership is punishable by execution he will have personally bankrolled the whole thing. He won’t make gun ownership punishable by death, he’s not that much of a monster but without him the endgame was impossible.

    I remember reading a few months ago Bloomberg was planning to spend 500 million in this election season. Imagine Bloomberg throwing over 5 billion into his own campaign. No only that but 200 million per senate race and 100 million per house race. No amount of grassroots can stand up to the sheer amount of cash. His money basically has bought the governments of several states. Including yours. Imagine president Bloomberg with a majority in the house and over 70 seats in the Senate almost all of which he pretty much singlehandedly funded. This is a man that could throw over 10 billion into one election period by himself. Whatever he wants passed WILL get passed. A single man literally buying the federal government. Which is what he’s already doing but he’s at the top.

    Underestimate him at your peril.

    1. “He won’t make gun ownership punishable by death, he’s not that much of a monster but without him the endgame was impossible.”

      Actually, he *is* that much of a monster.

      With power comes, or should come, responsibility. That includes the responsibility to really understand something before trying to mess with it.

      He’s screws with people’s lives and liberty, and he doesn’t seem to care one bit what their opinions on the matter are so long as he thinks it’s in their best interest.

      I would argue that he suffers the same problem a lot of very bright people have: once they reach a conclusion that makes sense to them, they will not recognize any opposing argument, new information, etc. (I deal with this at work all the time.) That, plus his power and fortune, makes him monstrous as opposed to just really irritating.

  5. I can’t wait to see nominee Bloomberg attempt to explain away NYC’s “stop and frisk” the bulk of which was applied to black males, or his comments that “we need to keep guns out of the hands of black men”.

  6. Bloomberg registered for the Alabama primary so he’s in. Of course, if he loses because most ‘bamans are gun rights supporters, it might end quickly.

    @Shawn said, No amount of grassroots can stand up to the sheer amount of cash. but it has been demonstrated over and over that the best funded candidates can be and are beaten. Don’t think it’s over without voting or it definitely will be. In the Colorado recalls back in ’13, some estimate said anti-gunners out-spent recall proponents about 7 to 1. The pro-gun side won.

    1. That was AFTER gun control was passed. The damage was already done. That’s like saying after Virginia and Florida gets sweeping gun bans where AR-15 ownership is blanket illegal as well as all semiauto rifles and you are required to turn in your guns and after that you do a recall which in the end changes nothing when the seats are back in democrat control the next election. All the while every court in the state and circuit court side with the state because most if not all judges hate guns, hate gun owners and want the extermination of gun owners and SCOTUS refuses to hear it.

      It’s nothing but a placebo.

  7. Michael Bloomberg is also 79 years old. He was born on Valentines Day 1942. He will be 80 on Inauguration Day and 81 soon after.

    He is even older than Joey Biden (November 20, 1942), Hillary Clinton (October 26, 1947), and Elizabeth Warren (June 22, 1949). But he is younger than Crazy Bernie Sanders (September 8, 1941). Tom Steyer (June 27, 1957) is a spring chicken at 62.

    By comparison, President Donald Trump’s energy (June 14, 1946) at 73 makes these guys look decrepit.

    Want to really hurt Bloomberg at the polls? Put up signs at every fast food and gas station soda fountain reminding people he has banned every drink cup bigger than 16 ounces in NYC already. And he will come after their drink cups too!

  8. I now think that the Hildabeast will enter the race and have her daughter run as VP. Weird, but it seems probable from a corrupt clintonian viewpoint. I think this shields all of them from having to testify against another one of the vile family.

    1. Latest rumor is that Deval Patrick is considering a run. For those of you outside greater MA who say “Deval WHO?”, he at one time was governor of MA. Think of a black liberal version of Dukakis.

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