It seems trying to blame anything related to guns with the NRA produces and erection that lasts more than 4 hours including women:

Police were called over reports of a man with a gun in a legal carry state, and within minutes of their arrival, they opened fire on the man—even though he posed no threat, was complying with their commands to the best of his ability, and was even crying and begging the officers to spare his life. In response, the National Rifle Association has been eerily silent.

NRA Silent As Cop Murders Innocent Man Because He Legally Held a Pellet Gun An Hour Earlier (The article appears in The Free Thought Project, but I don’t give linky-love to obvious clickbait bullshit)

Wait, what does the NRA have to do with the Daniel Shaver event? Somehow in the minds of some feverish deluded individuals this is a gun rights case.

As journalist Radley Balko noted on Twitter, “The insanely heavy-handed police response to Daniel Shaver came after someone reported seeing him with a rifle. (it was a pellet gun). Arizona is open carry, including for long guns. So the NRA will denounce this verdict and demand better training for Mesa police, right?“

Somebody did not just “saw him” with a rifle, they saw somebody aiming a rifle from a window on his third floor room at the ground area of the hotel he was staying. And it does not matter that later it was discovered to be a pellet gun: you simply do not take chances.

Daniel Shaver’s Rifle. Not quite the easily identifiable Red Ryder.

A quick check makes me think that the Free Thought project is a Lefty Anti-Cop site. But what amazed me was that I found the link in an alleged Pro 2A  forum without any type of explanation why it was posted. Other than mentioning and blaming the NRA, this has noting to do with the organization.

Hating the NRA is an official Sport of the Socialists: I was unaware that caught so many followers on the other sides.  The Right to Be Stupid and Shoot yourself in the Political Privates is seems to be catching popularity on our alleged side also.

Bunch of dumb fucks.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Hating NRA is the new Viagra.”
  1. thing -> think
    form -> forum

    And honestly, I think the nation’s premier gun rights organization would have something to say about a drunk, crying, compliant man being shot while the police were enforcing gun laws.

    Something is VERY wrong in our society. People shouldn’t be pointing guns out of windows. Cops shouldn’t be commanding people to crawl down hallways. Cops definitely shouldn’t be shooting people in the act of complying with their orders. The NRA is a rights organization and an educational organization. It’s not just the public that needs educating.

    1. “The NRA is a rights organization”

      Nope, the NRA is a Second Amendment Organization that very unusually will stray into something else but only if it is related to the 2A. What makes the NRA strong is specialization. And they teach shooting, not police procedures and tactics.
      Let’s not make that mistake.

      PS: Corrections made, thanks!

  2. The article referenced may very well be clickbait, but this police shooting should concern and disgust every citizen who values the rule of law. Watch the video of the incident–incompetent officer hyped up on power, contradictory commands shouted at a man clearly trying to comply,begging for his life, forced to crawl toward officers when they could have just cuffed him where he lay, and finally shooting an unarmed suspect who had made no threatening moves. The “officer” involve should have been charged with murder. Watch the video!

    1. Correction: Officer Brailsford was charged with murder, but the jury did not even convict him of manslaughter. At least he is no longer a police officer,as he was fired for violations of department policies and unsatisfactory performance. Pity that was not done before he killed the unarmed crawling man.

      1. If that had been a “normal” citizen rather than a cop who warned someone “if you make a mistake in following my orders, I’ll shoot you” and then shot the guy when he made a mistake in following orders, would it have been considered murder or at least manslaughter?

        If your answer is “yes”, then it should have been considered so for this guy. Qualified immunity only applies when it was an “honest mistake”.

        The cop in this story clearly told the victim that he was just looking for an excuse to shoot him. by issuing unreasonable and contradictory orders, he then manufactured the excuse he was waiting for and flat out executed a compliant, unarmed, non-threatening citizen.


        For the record: I am not anti-cop…I’m anti BAD cop and this guy was a BAD cop.

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