The San Francisco Bay Area has become Germani circa 1934.  Conservatives and Republicans have to meet in secret using fake names  to avoid harassment, violence, or reprocussions from tolerant San Francisco liberals.

I give it another two years before an we will see the first anti Republican pogrom in the Bay Area, in which Republicans are outed and attacked.

It’s just too bad for them that they have been disarmed.  But that is how the liberal mob wants it.  When the Jews Conservatives shoot back, it’s hard to bash them.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Heil Pelosi”
    1. I figured that this wave of protests will start to diminish. Members of the House will go nuts blocking Trump just because. These people will lose their re-election campaigns and the GOP will head out with a super majority. That will be the straw that breaks the liberal camel’s back.

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