Ms. Alexander was finally freed on Jan. 27. She plans to take up the fight for domestic abuse victims and push for a change in what advocates have called the uneven application of Florida’s Stand Your Ground law. She will advocate amending the law in order to take the burden of proof off defendants who have to demonstrate in pretrial hearings that they acted in self-defense and deserve immunity from trial.

In Florida, the law allows for the use of deadly force in self-defense with no duty to retreat when a violent intruder breaks into a home or car.

That shield was denied her in 2011, when a judge in a pretrial hearing rejected her attempt to use the law, saying she did not meet the burden of proof because there was a “factual dispute” on her Stand Your Ground defense. That led to her trial and ultimate conviction, said Faith E. Gay, one of Ms. Alexander’s lawyers.

Florida Woman Whose ‘Stand Your Ground’ Defense Was Rejected Is Released.

Marissa Alexander is a problem for the Gun Control/Left community: She is a woman, she is Black, she was given prison time because the Narrative says Stand Your Ground was not equally applied to her issue as it was to George Zimmerman… and she is coming out in favor of extending SYG.  What I love the most is that the Media is so stuck with its own creation, they are forced to repeat the lies it created or risk taking the side of the husband who has been portrayed as a violent abuser.

Let’s how much time and ink will be given to her testimony to the Legislature on Thursday. I know the new champions for the Gun Control side were the League of Women Voters of Florida who although have been supporting Gun Control issues for a while now, this is the first time that they loudly proclaim their allegiance to Michael Bloomberg above the causes you would think a league of voters were suppose to defend like, you know, voting rights?

We in Florida are going to have an interesting Legislative session.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “The inconvenient Lobbying of Marissa Alexander.”
  1. ” …she was given prison time because the Narrative says Stand Your Ground was not equally applied to her issue as it was to George Zimmerman… and she is coming out in favor of extending SYG.”

    SYG was not applied and had no bearing on the George Zimmerman case.

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