First this:

Then this:

We are going to have to learn to eat fake meat and freeze to death in the winter.

They are going to force this on us and we as a society are going to accept it, it’s inevitable.

They discovered they could get away with this on March 31, 2020.

We agreed to “15 days to slow the spread.”  Then we agreed to every delay after that.

On day 16, March 31, 2020, we should have gone back to our normal lives and defied the bureaucrats who scolded us.

But no.  We accepted every control, and the worse they got the more we accepted.

Arresting people for being alone on a beach?  COVID violation hotlines?

Businesses being shut down with capricious rules on enforcement?

We let them get away with this:

They learned that the spirit of rebellion in America is dead.

We will let them get away with anything now.

I’m just as guilty as the rest of you.  I have no desire to go to prison, I want a peaceful life in the suburbs.

Starting March 31st, we should have been telling these people to fuck and woodchippering them if they came back.

We didn’t.

So now we’re going to have to learn to enjoy synthetic meat in the cold.

Spread the love

By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Honestly, this is our fault”
  1. “You can get used to the taste difference.”

    Nope, no way, I’ve acquired a tase for properly prepared broccoli, and asparagus. I haven’t gotten used to Brussels sprouts, liver, or oysters. Others may like those but I don’t. I prefer my meat products to come from actual formerly live animals. I won’t force you to enjoy a medium rare rib-eye, if you don’t force me to eat meat from a faux cow.

  2. Dear Bill Gates, Al Gore, Leonardo Di Caprio et al, lead by example or STFU. Don’t tell me to reduce my carbon footprint from the deck of your mega yacht, don’t tell me to eat soy over a plate of Kobe beef

  3. Wait, what, a Masshole tells us not to heat our homes?

    Go ahead, show us how. Leave your home heat off in the middle of the New England winter. No, you can’t spend the winter in Florida. No, “off” doesn’t mean “use a woodstove” or “light the fireplace”.

    If you survive that, and if your elderly grandmother does too, then I will take you slightly more seriously. If you don’t, think of it as evolution in action.

  4. People in Southern Texas are dying right NOW!!! because they have no heat and electricity.

    Strand this Massachusetts idiot in an unheated shack in Northern Canada for a week in January.

    If I was a neighbor, I would probably be arrested for repeatedly shutting off his gas and electric power. So glad I am nowhere near these East or West Coast idiots.

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