So when you do a peaceful march using the proper imagery to raise support:

White doves and #BlueLivesMatter? Well Done!


But Antifa shows up and pepper sprays the organizer for no reason other than being dicks.


And perpetrates physical violence to other rally goers:


A quick and decisive response is a must:


No pussyfooting:

Wait for the police to take away the trash:


And don’t forget leaving something for the police K9s to play with:

“I was told the Revolution was not going to be painful!”

There are videos of the short-lived attack and specially delightful was one of the idjits running away for his life and getting into a highway or something similar.

The same video shows that Antifa needs to thank the many Pro Trump supporters that acted as referees and did not allow the most enthusiastic of the participants to beat the shit out of them.

Other than a couple of people using flagpoles (real one, not tools handles and I saw somebody sporting non-brass knuckles) most of  the counter was done by plain closed fist and some grappling.  It is said that a decided minority can win the battlefield and it is only true if they are not facing a decided majority. In that case they are just going to be punching bags instead of heroes of the Revolution.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Huntington Beach Pro Trump Rally vs. Antifa.”
  1. I find it hilarious how frequently these “antifa” idiots turn out to be hypocrites and cowards. The single fact they’re always hiding behind a mask is enough for me to consider them criminals and act accordingly.

  2. Is it just me? When I see “Antifa” I read Anti-FA, or Anti-First Amendment…
    Especially if related to college campus protests / riots.

  3. I’m reading from several sources that these weren’t actual Antifa, just a bunch of rando’s that ID’d as such but weren’t part of anything. Which makes me wonder then, what happens if/when you mix this kind of pro-Trump crowd with *actual* Antifa who undoubtedly would try to f*k w/ them?

    1. Of course they are gonna deny they were the real thing just as they would claim if they had been successful.

      “Triumph has many fathers. Defeat is an orphan.”

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