Moms Demand Action made a post about an article from The Guardian: Colorado poll workers trained to respond to mass shooting.


The comments from the MDA peanut gallery are dangerously stupid.



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According to them, it is all Trump and the NRA’s fault.  See Trump has been inciting violence and Trump supporters are going to shoot up polling places to get Trump elected.  Or something like that.

Never mind the Black Panthers providing “security” at Pennsylvania polling places in 2012.  Never mind that Democrat activists may have staged and incited violence at Trump rallies.  Never mind that Trump supporters have been attacked in San Jose, Minneapolis, all across America, and even into Canada.  Never mind the Left Wing #BLM riots in Milwaukee and Charlotte.  If there is going to be a shooting at a polling place, it is going to be Trump and the NRA that are responsible.


The Guardian article doesn’t say that at all.

Mass shootings can occur anywhere a lot of people gather for any event.  Like at a gay nightclub, an office Christmas party, a movie theater, or gun free college campuses in Santa Barbara or Oregon.

The common denominator in all those shootings was a shooter/shooters who targeted a large group of unarmed people, trying to send a message.

A polling place makes a pretty good target for anybody, regardless of religions or political ideology, who wants a lot of unarmed people packed into a small place.

Having security trained to deal with a mass shooter is not a bad idea.

The nutjobs at MDA want to make this into such an anti-Trump/anti-NRA thing.  That is terribly dangerous.  An attack can come from anywhere, and they want to be willfully blind to every direction but to the right.

Then there is this jackoff from Down Under.


Never mind that Australia’s gun buyback was an abysmal failure which accomplished little of nothing.  As it turns out, criminals didn’t hand over their guns, and now there are 260,000 illegal firearms floating around Australia, and violent crime is up.     Now Australia has to give criminals amnesty to try to get more guns off the streets.  Which, if you think about it, should work about as well as the buyback, i.e., not at all.

The sweet air of freedom in Australia stinks a lot like oppression.  Welcome to Australia 2016, where freedom is slavery is the motto.

Forgive me if I don’t want to take advice from this guy.

These idiots will get you killed.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Hysterical Stupidity”
  1. Fortunately, my particular polling place, that being city hall where I live isn’t a gun free zone for carry permit holders, so I can legally carry when I vote. I don’t care who starts it, I will defend myself if threatened when I vote.
    In minnesota permit holders can even carry in the state Capitol.

  2. ” and now there are 260,000 illegal firearms floating around Australia, ”

    That they think know of. I would not be surprised if that number is way short.

  3. Talking about the Australian experience…

    Mass shootings were exceedingly rare before the gun confiscation so afterwards does not matter. What does count is the rise in other crime that can be countered by armed citizens.

    Finally, the average armed citizen is not going to suddenly go and start shooting so you could have nearly everyone carrying and there would be no appreciable danger to public safety.

    If the mental midget looked at the simple fact that CCWs have exploded in America over the last decade and crime has gone down (and mass shootings also) it makes his argument look stupid, which it is. Oh yeah, who has more political freedom. We do. Try criticizing islam there.

  4. Mass shootings are not driven by what guns someone has anyway. It’s this new age in media. Now if someone is going to kill themselves. They choose to harm as many people as they can. Knowing their name will live on forever in infamy. With the media saying and repeating their story forever. They think they will go down in history. Sad, so far they are right. If not firearms, these idiots would do what it takes to kill. So get your concealed carry and protect yourself and your family. Stop the Islamist terrorist in their tracks. Stop the suicice guy, who wants as much company in his death as he can get. Thank Goodness we have the God given rights our second amendment protects!

  5. I wonder if Jimi Culper would change his tune if confronted with a life-or-death situation? Would he suddenly be okay with picking up a revolver sitting on the table in front of him to shoot the terrorist to save his skin or would he say it was icky and get killed to maintain his supposed morally superior stance?

    99% of the time these hypocrites will be happy to use any weapon to save their skins. Likewise, they often want to use others, like the police, to do the dirty work for them, if possible to keep their hands clean.

    What they want is to make sure we cannot defend ourselves. I know that it is so we can be controlled and they do not have to feel guilty for being defenseless, useless cowards.

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