I do believe he is doing his best to have me stop liking Firefly.

What Trump should do is get the Corps of Engineers to install a long piece of pipe vertically in one of the ICE detention centers so it is visible from the outside but far enough they can’t see the details. Then they should attach to the pipe a military smoke generator and let it rip. When a decent plume of smoke is seen coming out of the top,  drop a dime to the media and watch them lose their shit.


PS: Can anybody point me where can I find the official illegal Militia of Miami?  Thank you.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

14 thoughts on “I do believe it is a race to see who says the stupidest sh**”
  1. The Dems all ready think there is a crematorium and gas chamber at each site, so a large stack would make them more nuts. Get some pictures of the in mates making Trump 2020 signs, and tshirts

    1. Pure projection. I expect to see Antifa at polling places attacking suspected Trump voters the way the Klan used to attack blacks who went to vote.

      1. Depends on the locale. The only places that would actually happen are the same places where the dead vote and ballot boxes miraculously appear when needed.

        1. Also, AntiFa isn’t as big as the media is trying to scare you into believing, nor are they really that popular.
          Larry Correa’s “Three Cooters Theory of Internet Discourse” applies to the Left too.

          1. I’m not saying they are going to swing the vote. I’m just saying that I expect to see them try it in some places.

            1. Sure, and it’s where any non-Left vote is going to get tossed by the people in the elections office anyway.
              Anywhere else, where the local government isn’t a hard Left People’s Democrat Republic, they would run afoul of the laws, and would get real arrested, go to real jail, and face real charges in real court with possibility of real penalties.
              The Antifa clowns do what they do where they do because they know they won’t get punished for it.

      2. It is Projection. All the things they claim are what they WILL do to those with whom they disagree once in power.

    1. This is the drive for a lot of lefty virtue signaling. Crow the party line loud enough, and the Chekist might leave you alone. It’s not healthy to be the last to applaud Chairman Stalin!

  2. About that smoke stack, I have a better idea. Build a giant building with an ominous chimney. Beginning cooking, get that sucker billowing smoke. Right there on the border. The smell of charred meat will be overwhelming.

    When the media and Democrats (to the extent those two differ) lose their minds, show that it’s a giant oven to cook delicious barbecue for the aliens to feast on. Invite the liberals in for some pulled pork or briscuit.

    “Barbecue sets you free”

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