Politics are downstream of culture.

Our American culture is coming apart.

Obama and Hillary made it clear that they Left felt anyone who disagreed with them want just a political opponent with a different point of view but an evil person, a heretic to their ideology, a “deplorable” who should be relegated to second class status.

Why would an enlightened state like California be shackled to us knuckle-dragging untermenschen?

From our perspective, we don’t want to live in their idea of utopia.

Lots of people down here don’t want to lose their jobs because some twitter mob goes after their employer because they didn’t let Dildo the Tranny Clown read See Dick Tuck to their 5 year old at the library.

We want to live by our social norms and not have theirs coerced upon us by threat of loss of employment, income, and opportunity.

We love the American flag.  They burn it and then prosecute people who disrespect the Pride flag.

They destroy monuments to George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Teddy Roosevelt, then ruin the lives of people who paint over murals of George Floyd.

Political separations are the product of cultural conflicts and right now our cultures are just not compatible.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “I don’t doubt this for a second. We’ve been building up to this for a decade.”
  1. You’re right about build up to this. I remember Texit being tossed around after Obama won a second term, and then it switched to Calexit once Trump replaced him.

    The interesting thing that I observed is how differently each side reacts when the other starts grumbling about secession. When the right mooted secession while the left was in the driver’s seat, the left reacted with outrage and indignation. When the positions were reversed, the right reacted with “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out”.

  2. So, this idea of secession is to avoid a war? Fancy that, war will still come. I have been asking for a while now yet no adequate responses have come.

    What will prevent China or other hostile foreign entity from gaining an official foothold withing the former United States? How will two or more neighboring countries with shared borders of opposite ideologies exist in harmony even though the reason for founding separate countries is due to hostility of those countries formerly bonded as one? How does becoming smaller make us stronger? What will prevent hostile countries exerting undue influence or even invading?

    1. Rick, are you speaking of what Mexico has been up to for decades? Or the full blown Marxism that Canada is busily leaping into? How many European countries actually agree on much? How large are their countries? What is the GDP of their best, versus Texas or Commiefornia, individually? I don’t think it would be worse, if that’s possible, than where the present elitist fascists are taking America. Stay in the USA and go full communist or split and try to keep our freedom? My choice, for many years, is to tell the leftists to split or kill’em. They will accept nothing less than full communistic control. I will die on my feet, rather than live on my knees. You have the same choice.

    2. The left won’t let anyone escape their grasp. They’re trying to perfect us, not let us be free. They’ll no more let Texas secede than the Soviets could let the Czechs slip away.

      The only way they’ll learn is through harsh lessons. Hopefully those lessons won’t require violence from the rest of us.

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