Geography instructor Charles K. Smith of San Antonio College wore protective gear in his class on Tuesday in response to the Campus Carry implementation in Alamo Colleges. 

I might be wrong, but plate carriers offer little on the way of protection without the plate.  Somebody should tell him that.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “I don’t have the heart to tell him”
  1. Well he has to take a stand before the blood runs down the halls in the community colleges like it has been at the 4 year state universities for the past year, oh wait, that hasn’t happened. Never mind

  2. It depends. The IBA I wore in theatre had level III or IIIa protection without the plates because it had soft armor in it too.

    1. I have seen them, but there is a lack of padding bulkiness on the one he is wearing. That makes me almost certain he is just wearing the carrier… Maybe rated for BBs and .25 ACP?

      1. It’s a magic carrier, it’s rated to stop mean thoughts and bad feelings. You can find one on sale at Snowflake Tactical for only $29.99. Buy one today and receive 50% off a purchase of the hot selling manual “Liberal Home Defense: How Rainbows, Unicorns, and Tears can keep you safe during a crisis”.

  3. He doesn’t even know to wear it. Dick protector is stashed up, no plates as mentioned and no shrapnel mask. The kids are being taught by buffoons

  4. That’s funny. I didn’t see this guy or any other teachers armoring up or protesting against the violent attacks by Jihadists. Or any of the school shooters that turned out to be card carrying liberals. Also, is he going to start going armored out in public every day to protest those very same students who responsibly carry firearms everywhere else?

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