When Milley retires, either by his own volition or under pressure, I suspect that there is a seven or eight figure consulting arrangement, speaking tour, or membership on a Chinese defense contractor’s board (or some combination thereof) waiting for him.

The corruption will be transparent but since this entire administration is owned by the CCP, nothing will be done about it.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “I wonder what the price for treason is nowadays”
  1. I’m doubting he will be ousted either way. The left is already spinning him as a hero. Remember, this was against Orange Man. No, he’s not going anywhere.

  2. Treason? We can’t even hold people accountable in our government. Hillary and her staff had Top Secret and above material on unclassified devices, and nothing happened to any of them. Obama spied on Trump’s campaign, the FBI lied to a FISA court to do it, got caught, and nothing happened. Strzok, etc…and on and on. Nothing will happen to Milley, except a posh consulting job.

    The left will hold the right accountable for anything, but for some reason, it can’t go the other way.

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