
That is the number of Gun Control bills for consideration in the Florida Legislature as of this morning.



That is the number of Pro-Gun bills in the same place.


22 to 1

What the hell has happened? Why is everybody so silent? I have not heard a peep of concern.

Where are the Florida Gun Groups? Where are the Warriors Of the Chest-Thumping Brigade?  The No-Compromise Battalion? Where is it?

As far as I can tell, we have no presence in Tallahassee or anything is being done to exert political pressure on out legislators.

Three states so far this year have gone or will go Constitutional Carry: South Dakota, Oklahoma and Kentucky. We are about to reduce the length of our Concealed Weapons Permit to 4 years rather than the seven years we are accustomed to plus now we need to pass a 50 round qualifier. Where is your outrage now?

We have attempts against Stand Your Ground,  Banning of “assault weapons” and High Cap Mags plus Registration of those already in existence. yet I have not hears a peep from the Fake Molon Labe crowd. I don’t know, maybe they are in Home Depot buying PVC pipe and digging holes in their backyards.

And it is not only the individuals, but our State Groups. Are we done fishing for mackerel while Open Carry an AR 15? Tanning with an uncovered Glock while trying to catch tarpon? Are we done posing for YouTube videos that solve nothing? For flock’s sake, the websites look like a kid just discovered GeoCities! The 1990s called and they what their HTML 1 back! Invest some of that money that was donated and hire somebody to improve the looks. Optics are important and you guys are looking unimportant and small. The only thing that could make it worse is having a Hotmail address. My effing blog looks more professional and I am actually tracking bills every day and informing you. I should be doing a post a week asking for contributions since I seem to be providing better content than our State Gun Right Organizations. Do you have $20, $50 or $1,000 to spare? I’ll accept it, I don’t mind being remunerated for my work of over a decade.

So far my prediction is that by 2020, we will be well on our way to be the California of the East Coast.

Prove me wrong.

Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “IN MEMORIAM: Gun Rights in Florida.”
  1. Fear not brave warrior !!! Its just like that here…. lots of bravado. Very little actual work. Frustrating as hell. We have a gun group here,30,000 plus members, 42000 plus ccw permits here. MAYBE in the spring people will get out more We have a buncha bad bills here that will do nothing to cure crime.

  2. Miguel,
    What is your opinion of Florida Carry as an organization? I haven’t lived in Florida since the 80’s but it’s still my ” home state”. When I heard about Florida Carry I joined in the hopes of helping the folks “back home.” I am going to write an email to the HQ to ask about this state bill situation, but I wouldn’t mind a couple of hints, if you have any to offer.

      1. OK, I thought that I knew what you meant, but to be sure I looked up compass/box, etc. So, “He boxed the compass” means that he did a complete reversal. So, “their compass ain’t boxed”….. do you mean that they did NOT reverse themselves, or that they DID reverse themselves?

        Sorry for sounding like a short-bus rider…….

  3. It’s very frustrating when you suggest proven, successful strategies for getting your message out there and being smashed like a bug because of whom previously used that strategy.

    To spend more time explaining how something was actually a victory for our side while being told to get back in my lane.

    To watch the strongest voices on our side slowly be given writing jobs where they stop being strong voices and just pablum generators.

    It’s maddening to hear about the “big rally” in Tallahassee a day before it’s happening.

    My state senator seems to be listening, I can’t tell if my rep is. My fed rep is listening. Our senators are worthless.

    I scream into the wind, and it doesn’t reply. The blog doesn’t matter.

    The silence you hear is from being betrayed. We got let down, hard. Promises weren’t kept and trust was lost.

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