Murders in New York City are up at least 50%.

New York City reported that between Friday and Saturday, there were four people killed and 51 people shot, representing the number of shootings in the city tripling since last year.

What could be the cause of this?

Disasterous bail reform?

The NYPD having their budget cut by $1 billion by a mayor that hates them?

The NYPD going on slowdown because the mayor and city government hate them and are looking for every excuse to cut their legs out from under them?

Criminals being let out of jail and prison due to COVID?

People going stir crazy because of the NYC lockdown?

Nope, those are all the fault of Cuomo and de Blasio who are Democrats.

It’s always a Republican’s fault, so Trump is to blame.

“Now, the genesis of the crime you can have a great debate about, but the Trump economy, Trump not providing COVID relief, George Floyd murder, Trump’s response to the George Floyd murder, race relations stress, Trump, there are good people on both sides, Ku Klux Klan. So, I think Trump has some liability for the increase in the crime.”

What bullshit.

The Trump economy was booming until COVID shut it down.  The COVID economy isn’t the Trump economy, especially since it’s the Democrats who want to keep it shut down.

The original COIVD relief was generous and intended to be a response to the “15 days to slow the spread” which is now in day 156.  Moreover, Trump just signed an executive order to extend relief to the end of the year, because House Democrats were stalling it as leverage.

Trump said this about George Floyd: “the whole killing of George Floyd has hurt America and the administration is fully committed to bring justice to George and his family. All Americans are unhappy with his ruthless killing and are registering their protest. My administration is fully committed. George and his family will get justice. His death will not go in vain. My first and foremost duty as President is to protect the people of our great country America. I have sworn that I will maintain the law and order of my country and I will do the same.”  

The US DOJ is involved in the investigation.

The “good people on both sides” thing is a lie, a media distortion of the truth, and dates back to 2017, so has nothing to do with the current spike.

Everything Cuomo said was wrong and a lie, but he can’t let himself or the Democrats be blamed for New York City turning into a third-world shithole.

Cuomo killed New York and is trying to put the blame on Trump.  Unfortunately, New Yorkers will believe this.



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By J. Kb

One thought on “It’s never Cuomo’s fault, it’s always Trump’s fault”
  1. Damn That Trump!(c)

    What was he thinking, cutting the NYPD budget that way! Letting all those criminals out of jail, like he did! Enacting catch-and-release arrest/bail policies!

    No wonder Cuomo The Amazing is pissed off! All his (His?) hard work, undone by Bad Orange Man!

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