There was big news in New York City today, a rally Jews for Trump.


Yes, yes, yes.

And it was bigger than you’d expect.


On Saturday I posted a video of an LGBT march for Trump in West Hollywood.  It is fantastic to see so many groups who were just assumed to be either in the hole for the Democrats or who previously were silent in their support for Trump to make a show of their support.

The party of Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, the party that sent cash to the Iranians, the party that sent Jewish refugees back to the Nazis, the party that welds closed the gates of Jewish cemeteries and sends the police to look for Jews hiding upstairs in people’s homes, does not own the Jews and should not be supported by Jews.

So how did the Left respond to a bunch of Jews showing their support for Trump in NYC?

About like you would expect.

Actually, this asshole was throwing eggs.  He recorded himself doing it.

But he wasn’t the only one.

Pelting Jews with objects from above wasn’t the only attack.

The Left hates Trump.  The Left hates Jews.  Of course, visible Trump-loving Jews would drive them insane.

I really hope this is just the tip of a Jexodous iceberg.

I know that there are Leftist Jews whose religion is Leftism, who only call themselves Jews because they like bagels and lox and understand the inside jokes in Woody Allen and Mel Brooks films.

But I hope among Jews, that actually understand what it means to be Jewish, that they realized that the party that advances grifter dynasties, the party that defends child sex predators, the party that shuts down Churches and Synagogues while promoting marijuana dispensaries during a time of emotional crisis, is not a party worth supporting.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Jews for Trump rally goes through NYC and gets attacked by Leftists, Antifa, and anti-Semites (but that’s redundant)”
  1. It is a shame that Trump is the most divisive President in history. The way Trump supporters hold a rally and throw eggs, spray painting cars of those supporting Biden, and pepper spray anyone who disagrees with them.

    Oh… wait. Maybe Trump isn’t really doing the dividing. Typical leftist BS. Blame the opposition for your actions.

    1. Bingo. The reason — the only reason — Trump is “the most divisive President in history” is because the Left wants us divided but doesn’t want to be blamed for the division.

      Unity, like peace, requires two willing parties. Division, like war, requires only one.

      If the Left wanted us united, they’d push for unity. But they won’t, because they don’t.

      As others have pointed out (and this phrasing isn’t mine), Trump is an avatar. It’s not Trump the Left doesn’t like; it’s what he represents, and what he represents is … us.

      As a personal anecdote, my social media contacts can be divided into two groups: those who have been “unfriending” people over political disagreements, and those who haven’t (but have been “unfriended” over politics). I’ll give you two guesses which political party each group overwhelmingly supports, but you’ll probably only need one.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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